Load balancing/Handover algorithm for cellular/WLAN integrated networks using Data Analytics

This project aims to create proper scenario in order to investigate load balacing and handover for cellular/WLAN integrated networks. Therefore, once we have the scenario that we desired we'll be able to treat, understand and propose new ideas by analyzing the data and using data analystics/machine learning techniques.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


The core of ns-3 requires a gcc/g++ installation of 4.9 or greater (Linux), or a recent version of clang compiler (OS X, Linux, or BSD), and Python 2.7 or greater. Please follow: ns-3 prerequisites After that, check if everything is okay:

python bake.py check


Building ns-3:

./waf configure --enable-examples


Running one example file:

cd ns-3.29/
cp examples/tutorial/second.cc scratch/
./waf --run scratch/second

ns-3 notes

This is ns-3-allinone.

If you have downloaded this in tarball release format, this directory contains some released ns-3 version, along with 3rd party components necessary to support all optional ns-3 features, such as Python bindings and the Network Animator. In this case, just run the script build.py; all the components, plus ns-3 itself, will thus be built. This directory also contains the bake build tool, which allows access to several additional modules including the Network Simulation Cradle, Direct Code Execution environment, and click and openflow extensions for ns-3.

If you have downloaded this from mercurial, the download.py script will download bake, netanim, pybindgen, and ns-3-dev. The usage to use basic ns-3 (netanim and ns-3-dev) is to type: ./download.py ./build.py and cd into ns-3-dev for further work. Consult the bake documentation on how to use bake to access optional ns-3 components.