PDLSM-FEM solver is a parallel implementation of (adaptively) coupled peridynamics least squares minimization and finite element method (PDLSM-FEM) in 2D and 3D using MPI parallelism. This cross-platform solver is written in a C++ language and includes implicit static, explicit dynamic, and implicit dynamic solvers for structure analysis under displacement or traction loading.
- 18683691886
- 562986329
- 752096822
- aerosayanPreviously working in - Sukra Helitek Inc.
- alexneufeldEdmonton, Canada
- blowyang
- cellophaneZRYichang, China
- chenxin202
- DuwenjieAntler
- dwtum
- hyharry
- lazyzq
- Li-0705
- Lumos1110
- Mature-X
- my81656581
- QibangLiu
- RenatogutizUtrecht University
- rickfu415University of Kentucky
- Ttw0626University of Tsukuba
- Wenjun-KTH
- wq134chongqing china
- YudanJINuniversite lille 1
- ZhSai14southern university of science and technology