
All of the videos are in the videos folder.

Exercise 1

The code is in There are no dependency other than basic packages. The commands to run the program are as below.

Open the 1st terminal.

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch basic_launch dbw_joystick

Open the 2nd terminal.

source devel/setup.bash

Exercise 2

The code is in There is 2 dependencies called gnss_sensor and yolo3. The commands to run the program are as below.

Open the 1st terminal.

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch basic_launch dbw_joystick

Open the 2nd terminal.

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch basic_launch gnss_sensor_init.launch

Open the 3rd terminal.

source devel/setup.bash

Exercise 3

There are no codes for exercise 3. There is 2 dependencies called rosbag and hector_slam. The steps to do step 3 are as below.

Step 1. Record sensor data

Get into the vechile and enter the workspace of the computer. Run the command below.

Open the 1st terminal.

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch basic_launch dbw_joystick

Open the 2nd terminal. (exercise3.bag is also attached in the folder)

source devel/setup.bash
rosbag record -a -O exercise3.bag 

Step 2. Display recorded sensor data (see ./videos/e3.MOV)

Open the 1st terminal.

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch hector_slam_launch tutorial.launch

Open the 2nd terminal. (Our recorded exercise3.bag is also attached in the folder)

source devel/setup.bash
rosbag play exercise3.bag /lidar1/scan:=/scan -- clock

Exercise 4

The codes are in gem_gnss/scripts/ There is 1 dependency called gnss_sensor. There are 2 steps to do the exercise 4.

Step 1. Record the figure 8 path

Get into the vechile and enter the workspace of the computer. Run the command below.

Open the 1st terminal.

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch basic_launch dbw_joystick

Open the 2nd terminal.

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch basic_launch gnss_sensor_init.launch

Open the 3rd terminal and let the safty driver drive the vechicle in a figure 8 path.

source devel/setup.bash
python ./gem_gnss/scripts/

Step 2. Let the vechicle follow the figure 8 path automatically (see ./videos/e4.MOV)

Open the 1st terminal.

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch basic_launch dbw_joystick

Open the 2nd terminal.

source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch basic_launch gnss_sensor_init.launch

Open the 3rd terminal and let the computer controls the vechicle.

source devel/setup.bash
python ./gem_gnss/scripts/