Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build & Run

The build and run process is based on docker.
Make sure you have docker-desktop installed.

  1. Build and run frontend, backend, neo4j using Docker


Double click run-windows.bat

Linux or MacOS

$ sudo ./run-linux.sh
  1. Import csv to neo4j

Open http://localhost:7474/ and run script below

LOAD CSV FROM 'file:///data.csv' AS line
MERGE (n:Entity {name : line[1]})
WITH line, n
MERGE (m:Entity {name : line[2]})
WITH m,n,line[3] as relName, line[4] as urlName, line[5] as jName
MERGE (m)-[rel1:RELATED{name:relName, url:urlName, journal:jName}]->(n);

Done. Website url: http://localhost


  1. Why the index page has no graph data?

    Please do Step 2. Import csv to neo4j above first.

  2. Do I have to run Step 2 every time?

    No, the folder /neo4j/data will be generated after the first import.

  3. How to monitor or stop running this project?

    Use docker-desktop for friendly control and view the output of each container run.

  4. How to change the graph data display limitations?

    Please edit the python file /backend/app.py line 79 & 98.

Bug report


The first line as the csv header should not be loaded into the database and should be deleted.