
FutuTP: Future-based Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

FutuTP: Future-based Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving


This is the project page of the paper

  • "FutuTP: Future-based Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving"

Qualitative Results

  • On Argoverse 1 motion forecasting dataset

Quantitative Results

Result on Argoverse 1 test set:

Models brier-minFDE_6 minFDE_6 minADE_6 MR_6
FutuTP 1.84 1.17 0.77 0.125

Result on nuScenes test set:

Models minADE_5 minADE_10 MR_5 MR_10
FutuTP 1.23 0.94 0.50 0.32

Getting Started

Install dependencies

  1. Create a new conda virtual env
conda create --name FutuTP python=3.8
conda activate FutuTP
  1. Install PyTorch according to your CUDA version. We recommend CUDA >= 12.1, PyTorch >= 2.1.0.
pip install torch==2.1.0 torchvision==0.16.0 torchaudio==2.1.0 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu121
  1. Install Argoverse 1 API, please follow argoverse-api.

  2. Install nuScenes

pip install nuscenes-devkit
  • Download the nuScenes dataset. This project just need the following.
    • Metadata for the Trainval split (v1.0)
    • Map expansion pack (v1.3)
  • Organize the nuScenes root directory as follows
└── nuScenes/
    ├── maps/
    |   ├── basemaps/
    |   ├── expansion/
    |   ├── prediction/
    |   ├── 36092f0b03a857c6a3403e25b4b7aab3.png
    |   ├── 37819e65e09e5547b8a3ceaefba56bb2.png
    |   ├── 53992ee3023e5494b90c316c183be829.png
    |   └── 93406b464a165eaba6d9de76ca09f5da.png
    └── v1.0-trainval
        ├── attribute.json
        ├── calibrated_sensor.json
        └── visibility.json         
  1. Install other dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

Train/Evaluate FutuTP using nuScenes

1) Pre-processed data

python src/datascripts/dataloader_nuscenes.py --DATAROOT path/to/nuScenes/root/directory --STOREDIR path/to/directory/with/preprocessed/data 

2) Train (First Stage)

Suppose the processed training data of NuScenes is at checkpoints/nuscenes.fututp/temp_file.

OUTPUT_DIR=checkpoints/nuscenes.fututp; \
GPU_NUM=4; \
python src/train.py --do_train --future_frame_num 12 --hidden_size 64 \
  --train_batch_size 32 --num_train_epochs 50 --lane_loss_weight 0.9 --topk 2 \
  --distributed_training ${GPU_NUM} --output_dir ${OUTPUT_DIR} --reuse_temp_file \
  --other_params \
  semantic_lane direction step_lane_score enhance_global_graph point_level-4-3 \
  nuscenes nuscenes_mode_num=5

3) Train (Second Stage)

OUTPUT_DIR=checkpoints/nuscenes.fututp; \
GPU_NUM=4; \
MODEL_PATH=checkpoints/nuscenes.fututp/model_save/model.50.bin; \
python src/train.py --do_train --future_frame_num 12 --hidden_size 64 \
  --train_batch_size 32  --num_train_epochs 50 --lane_loss_weight 0.9 --topk 2 \
  --distributed_training ${GPU_NUM} --output_dir ${OUTPUT_DIR} --reuse_temp_file \
  --other_params \
  semantic_lane direction step_lane_score enhance_global_graph point_level-4-3 \
  nuscenes nuscenes_mode_num=5 \
  stage_two stage-two-train_recover=${MODEL_PATH} stage-two-epoch=50

To train the model with 10 modes, you can set nuscenes_mode_num=10, --topk 4, and --num_train_epochs 100.

4) Evaluate

Suppose the processed test data of NuScenes is at checkpoints/nuscenes.fututp/temp_file.

OUTPUT_DIR=checkpoints/nuscenes.fututp; \
GPU_NUM=1; \
python src/eval.py --do_eval --future_frame_num 12 --hidden_size 64 \
  --eval_batch_size 128 --topk 2 --model_recover_path 50 \
  --distributed_training ${GPU_NUM} --output_dir ${OUTPUT_DIR} --reuse_temp_file \
  --other_params \
  semantic_lane direction step_lane_score enhance_global_graph point_level-4-3 \
  nuscenes nuscenes_mode_num=5 stage_two

Train/Evaluate FutuTP using Argoverse 1

1) Train (First Stage)

Suppose the training data of Argoverse 1 is at ./train/data/.

OUTPUT_DIR=checkpoints/argoverse1.fututp.s1; \
GPU_NUM=4; \
python src/train.py --do_train --data_dir ./train/data --future_frame_num 30 \
  --hidden_size 128 --train_all --vector_size 32 --train_batch_size 128 --core_num 32 \
  --num_train_epochs 9 --subdivide_length 5 --topk 2 --lane_loss_weight 10 --use_map \
  --use_centerline --distributed_training ${GPU_NUM} --output_dir ${OUTPUT_DIR} \
  --other_params \
  semantic_lane direction step_lane_score enhance_global_graph point_level-4-3

2) Train (Second Stage)

OUTPUT_DIR=checkpoints/argoverse1.fututp.s2; \
GPU_NUM=4; \
MODEL_PATH=checkpoints/argoverse1.fututp.s1/model_save/model.9.bin; \
python src/train.py --do_train --data_dir ./train/data --future_frame_num 30 \
  --hidden_size 128 --train_all --vector_size 32 --train_batch_size 128 --core_num 32 \
  --num_train_epochs 9 --subdivide_length 5 --topk 2 --lane_loss_weight 10 --use_map \
  --use_centerline --distributed_training ${GPU_NUM} --output_dir ${OUTPUT_DIR} --learning_rate 0.0003 \
  --other_params \
  semantic_lane direction step_lane_score enhance_global_graph point_level-4-3 \
  stage_two stage-two-train_recover=${MODEL_PATH} stage-two-epoch=9

3) Evaluate

Suppose the validation data of Argoverse motion forecasting is at ./val/data/.

OUTPUT_DIR=checkpoints/argoverse1.fututp.s2; \
GPU_NUM=1; \
python src/eval.py --do_eval --data_dir_for_val ./val/data/ --future_frame_num 30 \
  --hidden_size 128 --vector_size 32 --eval_batch_size 128 --core_num 16 \
  --subdivide_length 5 --topk 2 --use_map --use_centerline --model_recover_path 9 \
  --distributed_training ${GPU_NUM} --output_dir ${OUTPUT_DIR} \
  --other_params \
  semantic_lane direction step_lane_score enhance_global_graph point_level-4-3 stage_two


This repository is licensed under MIT license.