This is an implementation of Deep Embedded Complementary and Interactive Information for Multi-view Classification (MvNNcor) in Pytorch.
- Python=3.5.6
- Pytorch=1.0.0
- Torchvision=0.2.1
The model is trained on AWA/Caltech101/Caltech20/NUSOBJ/Reuters/Hand dataset, where each dataset are splited into three parts: 70% samples for training, two-thirds of the rest samples for validation, and one-third of that for testing. We utilize the classification accuracy to evaluate the performance of all the methods.
# Train the model on AWA dataset
python --dataset_dir=./mvdata/AWA/Features --data_name=AWA --num_classes=50 --num_view=6 --gamma=6.0
# Test MvNNcor on AWA dataset
python --dataset_dir=./mvdata/AWA/Features --data_name=AWA --resume=./results/.../model_best.pth.tar --num_classes=50 --num_view=6 --gamma=6.0
Deep Embedded Complementary and Interactive Information for Multi-view Classification. AAAI2020