
Code for Chain-of-Layer

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Code for Chain-of-Layer

Ensemble-based Ranking Filter

bash ./scripts/generate_filter.sh
  • --taxo_name: ['wordnet', 'semeval_sci', 'wiki', 'dblp']
  • --model_path: allenai/scibert_scivocab_uncased
  • --save_path: the save path for the generated filter score JSON file.

Hierarchical Format Taxonomy Induction Instruction (HF)

bash ./scripts/run_HF.sh
  • --openai_key: your openai key
  • --taxo_name: ['wordnet', 'semeval_sci', 'wiki', 'dblp']
  • --model: ['gpt-3.5-turbo-16k', 'gpt-4-turbo-preview']
  • --numofExamples: 0 for zero-shot and 5 for five shot
  • --run: set to False to only evaluate the saved results
  • --save_path_model_response: the save path of model response
  • --demo_path: the path of the demo
  • --ChainofLayers & iteratively: set to False to only use Hierarchical Format Taxonomy Induction Instruction

Chain-of-Layer (CoL)

bash ./scripts/run_CoL.sh
  • --openai_key: your openai key
  • --taxo_name: ['wordnet', 'semeval_sci', 'wiki', 'dblp']
  • --model: ['gpt-3.5-turbo-16k', 'gpt-4-turbo-preview']
  • --numofExamples: 0 for zero-shot and 5 for five shot
  • --run: set to False to only evaluate the saved results
  • --save_path_model_response: the save path of model response
  • --demo_path: the path of the demo
  • --ChainofLayers & iteratively: set to True to use Chain-of-Layer
  • --filter_mode: default lm_score_ensemble
  • --filter_model: default scibert_scivocab_uncased
  • --filter_topk: Top-K filter


bash ./scripts/gen_demo_CoL_zero.sh
  • --taxo_name: ['wordnet', 'semeval_sci', 'wiki', 'dblp']
  • --save_path_model_response: the save path of raw demo
  • --save_path: the save path of the processed demo
  • --mode: default 1
bash ./scripts/run_CoL_zero.sh