Visualizations and computations in Mathematica for Partial Differential Equations, SP19, Olin College

Primary LanguageMathematica


Visualizations and computations in Mathematica for Partial Differential Equations SP19, Olin College. The Mathematica notebooks are based on Studios given in the course by Professor Aaron Hoffman.

  • Studio1.nb: Basic functions such as triangular function, unit step function, standard Gaussian, Possion, Dirichlet, Heat, and Wave kernels; basic operations such as convolution.

  • Studio2.nb: Wave equations visualzations with various initial conditions; characteristics of linear and nonlinear transport equations in the (t,x) plane with various initial conditions.

  • Studio3.nb: Symbolic calculation of Lp norms of various functions. General convolution and frequency reponses of various functions and kernels.

  • Studio5.nb: Numerical solutions and visualization of ODEs and PDEs with forcing

  • Studio6.nb: Fourier series in one and two dimensions; symbolic calculation of Fourier series coefficients

  • Studio7.nb: Piano wire modeling through the wave equation and Fourier series.

  • Studio8.nb: Thermal modeling of the heat equation on a metal disk; numerically select the position of hammer that minimizes the energy of discordant overtunes of a piano wire.

  • Studio9.nb: Poisson Kernel.

  • Studio10.nb: Heat equation with boundary conditions on a wedge.

  • E_M_Final.pdf: Applied PDE in Electricity and Magnetism; a summary of first nine chapter of D.J. Griffiths's Intro to Electrodynamics.

  • E&M.nb: Applied PDE in Electricity and Magnetism through Reflection and Refraction and Absorption and Dispersion of Electromagnetic Waves; accompanies the E&M summary.