code of KBR_TC and KBR_RPCA

Primary LanguageMATLAB

code of KBR TC and RPCA


Folder structure
URL of third-party toolboxes and functions

Folder structure:

data\           : example data 
    |-- testMSI_1.mat      : example MSI data 1
    |-- testMSI_2.mat      : example MSI data 2
    |-- testVideo.mat      : example vedio data 
    |-- groundtruth_at_16th_frame.bmp   : groundtruth of vedio data at 16th frame
lib\            : library of code

    |-- tensor_toolbox\    : toolbox for tensor operations [1]
    |-- my_tensor_toolbox\ : another toolbox for tensor operations 
    |-- KBR\               : subfunctions of KBR method
    |-- quality_assess\    : functions of quality assessment indices
    |       |-- ssim_index.m            : SSIM [2]
    |       |-- FeatureSIM.m            : FSIM [3]
    |       |-- ErrRelGlobAdimSyn.m     : ERGAS
    |       |-- SpectAngMapper.m        : SAM
    |       |-- MSIQA.m                 : interface for calculating PSNR and the four indices above
    |-- compete_methods : competing methods (down loaded or implemented based on reference papers)
    |       |-- HOrpca\                 : HOrpca toolbox [4]
    |       |-- inexact_alm_rpca\       : matrix ADMM-based rpca toolbox [5]
    |       |-- tensor_SVD\             : tSVD toolbox [6]
    |       |-- TMac\                   : TMac toolbox [7]
    |       |-- TenCompletion\          : McpTC and ScadTC toolbox [8]
    |       |-- LRTV_TC.m               : functions for Trace/TV method [9]
    |       |-- Mc_adm.m                : functions for MC_ALM method [10]
    |       |-- Tc_liu.m                : functions for HaLRTC method [11]
    |-- togetGif.m         : function for getting GIF result
    |-- showVideoResult.m  : scripts that show the result of background subtraction experiment
    |-- showMSIResult.m    : scripts that show the result of MSI completion experiment
Demo_TC_MSI.m     : scripts that applies the tensor-completion methods and calculates the QA indices
Demo_RPCA_video.m : scripts that applies the robust-principal-component-analysis methods and calculates the QA indices
KBR_TC.m          : function for sloving the intrinsic tensor sparsity based tensor completion model 
KBR_RPCA.m        : core function of the the intrinsic tensor sparsity based tensor RPCA model 


(1) For MSI completion experiment, you can simply follow these steps: 1.Re-arrange the MSI into [0, 1]. 2.Add the folder 'lib'into path, and use the function KBR_TC as follows: [ restored_img ] = KBR_TC( courrupted_img, Omega) Please type 'help KBR_TC ' to get more information.

You may find example codes in file Demo_TC_MSI.m

Also, you can use the demo to see some comparison. You can:
  1. Type 'Demo_TC_MSI' to to run various methods and see the pre-computed results.
  2. Use 'help Demo_TC_MSI' for more information.
  3. Change test MSI by simply modifying variable 'dataname' in Demo_TC_MSI.m (NOTE: make sure your MSI
     meets the format requirements).
  4. Change sampling rate by modifying variables  'sample_ratio ' in Demo_TC_MSI.m
  5. Select competing methods by turn on/off the enable-bits in Demo_TC_MSI.m

(2) For background subtraction experiment, you can simply follow these steps: 1.Re-arrange the video into [0, 1]. 2.Use the function KBR_RPCA as follows: [ restored_img ] = KBR_RPCA( tensorData,beta,gamma) Please type 'help KBR_RPCA ' to get more information.

You may find example codes in file Demo_RPCA_video.m

Also, you can use the demo to see some comparison. You can:
  1. Type 'Demo_RPCA_video' to to run various methods and see the pre-computed results.
  2. Use 'help Demo_RPCA_video' for more information.
  3. Change test video data by simply modifying variable 'dataname' in Demo_RPCA_video.m (NOTE: make sure your video
     meets the format requirements).
  4. Select competing methods by turn on/off the enable-bits in Demo_RPCA_video.m


Qi Xie, Qian Zhao, Deyu Meng*, & Zongben Xu
Kronecker-Basis-Representation Based Tensor Sparsity and Its Applications to Tensor Recovery[J]. 
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, 2017, PP(99):1-1. (accepted)

  title={Kronecker-Basis-Representation Based Tensor Sparsity and Its Applications to Tensor Recovery},  
  author={Qi, Xie and Qian, Zhao and Meng, Deyu and Xu, Zongben},  
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence},  

URL of the toolboxes and functions and citation of competing methods:

[1]  tensor_toolbox     http://www.sandia.gov/~tgkolda/TensorToolbox/index-2.5.html
[2]  ssim_index.m       https://ece.uwaterloo.ca/~z70wang/research/ssim/
[3]  FeatureSIM.m       http://www4.comp.polyu.edu.hk/~cslzhang/IQA/FSIM/FSIM.htm
[4]  HOrpca             https://sites.google.com/site/tonyqin/research
[5]  inexact_alm_rpca   http://perception.csl.illinois.edu/matrix-rank/home.html
[6]  t-SVD              http://www.ece.tufts.edu/~shuchin/software.html
[7]  Tmac               http://www.caam.rice.edu/~yx9/TMac/
[8]  W. Cao, Y. Wang, C. Yang, X. Chang, Z. Han, and Z. Xu. Foldedconcave penalization approaches to tensor completion.
     Neurocomputing, 152:261¨C273, 2015.
[9]  M. Golbabaee and P. Vandergheynst. Joint trace/tv norm minimization: A new efficient approach for spectral compressive
     imaging. pages 933¨C936, 2012.
[10] Z. Lin, M. Chen, and Y. Ma. The augmented lagrange multiplier method for exact recovery of corrupted low-rank matrices. 
     Eprint Arxiv, 9, 2010.
[11] J. Liu, P. Musialski, P. Wonka, and J. Ye. Tensor completion for estimating missing values in visual data. IEEE Trans. 
     Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, 35(1):208¨C220, 2013.