
The abstraction of Qiscus SDK & Multichannel API for access from applications written with Go.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Qiscus API for Golang

Go Reference License: MIT Go Report Card

This library is the abstraction of Qiscus SDK & Multichannel API for access from applications written with Go.

1. Installation

Install qiscus-go with:

go get -u github.com/Qiscus-Integration/qiscus-go

Then, import it using:

import (

with $product$ is the product of Qiscus such as sdk and multichannel.

2. Usage

package main

import (


func main() {
	qiscus.DefaultHttpOutboundLog = true

	// Initiate client for Multichannel.
	multichannelClient := multichannel.NewMultichannel("qiscus-app-id", "qiscus-secret-key")

	// Initiate client for Multichannel using creadential email and password admin.
	multichannelClient, err := multichannel.NewMultichannelFromCredential("example@mail.com", "12345678")
	if err != nil {

	// Initiate client for Multichannel using environment variable.
	multichannelClient, err := multichannel.NewMultichannelFromEnv()
	if err != nil {

	// Sample Multichannel method.
	resp, _ := multichannelClient.CreateRoomTag(&multichannel.CreateRoomTagReq{
		RoomID: "12345678",
		Tag:    "test",

	// Initiate client for SDK.
	sdkClient := sdk.NewSDK("qiscus-app-id", "qiscus-secret-key")
	// Initiate client for SDK using environment variable.
	sdkClient, err := sdk.NewSDKFromEnv()
	if err != nil {

	// Sample SDK method.
	resp, _ := sdkClient.LoginOrRegister(&sdk.LoginOrRegisterReq{
		UserID:   "guest@qiscus.com",
		Password: "12345678",
		Username: "User Demo",


2.1 Multichannel Client

Available methods for Multichannel

// CreateRoomTag create room tag
func (m *MultichannelImpl) CreateRoomTag(req *CreateRoomTagReq) (*CreateRoomTagResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// CreateAdditionalInfoRoomWithReplace create additional info room with replace exisiting data
func (m *MultichannelImpl) CreateAdditionalInfoRoomWithReplace(roomID string, req *CreateAdditionalInfoRoomReq) (*CreateAdditionalInfoRoomResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// GetAdditionalInfoRoom get additional info room by room ID
func (m *MultichannelImpl) GetAdditionalInfoRoom(roomID string) (*GetAdditionalInfoRoomResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// CreateAdditionalInfoRoom create additional info room without replace existing data
func (m *MultichannelImpl) CreateAdditionalInfoRoom(roomID string, req *CreateAdditionalInfoRoomReq) (*CreateAdditionalInfoRoomResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// SendMessageTextByBot send message text by bot
func (m *MultichannelImpl) SendMessageTextByBot(req *SendMessageTextByBotReq) *qiscus.Error

// SetToggleBotInRoom set tootle bot in room
func (m *MultichannelImpl) SetToggleBotInRoom(roomID string, isActive bool) (*SetToggleBotInRoomResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// GetAllAgents get all agent with scope search included
func (m *MultichannelImpl) GetAllAgents(req *GetAllAgentsReq) (*GetAllAgentsResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// AssignAgent assign agent
func (m *MultichannelImpl) AssignAgent(req *AssignAgentReq) (*AssignAgentResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// GetAgentsByDivision get agents by division
func (m *MultichannelImpl) GetAgentsByDivision(req *GetAgentsByDivisionReq) (*GetAgentsByDivisionResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// GetAllDivision get all division
func (m *MultichannelImpl) GetAllDivision(req *GetAllDivisionReq) (*GetAllDivisionResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// MarkAsResolved mark as resolved room
func (m *MultichannelImpl) MarkAsResolved(req *MarkAsResolvedReq) (*MarkAsResolvedResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// GetAllChannels get all channels
func (m *MultichannelImpl) GetAllChannels() (*GetAllChannelsResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// GetRoomByRoomID get room by room id
func (m *MultichannelImpl) GetRoomByRoomID(roomID string) (*GetRoomByRoomIDResponse, *qiscus.Error)

2.2 SDK Client

Available methods for SDK

// LoginOrRegister Login or register
func (s *SDKImpl) LoginOrRegister(req *LoginOrRegisterReq) (*LoginOrRegisterResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// GetUserProfile Get user profile by user ID
func (s *SDKImpl) GetUserProfile(userID string) (*GetUserProfileResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// GetUserToken Get user profile by user ID
func (s *SDKImpl) GetUserToken(userID string) (*GetUserTokenResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// ResetUserToken Reset user token by user ID
func (s *SDKImpl) ResetUserToken(userID string) (*GetUserTokenResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// CreateRoom Create new room
func (s *SDKImpl) CreateRoom(req *CreateRoomReq) (*CreateRoomResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// GetOrCreateRoomWithTarget Get or create new room with target
func (s *SDKImpl) GetOrCreateRoomWithTarget(req *GetOrCreateRoomWithTargetReq) (*CreateRoomResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// GetRoomsInfo Get rooms info by room IDs
func (s *SDKImpl) GetRoomsInfo(roomIDs []string) (*GetRoomsInfoResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// UpdateRoom Update room
func (s *SDKImpl) UpdateRoom(req *UpdateRoomReq) (*UpdateRoomResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// GetRoomParticipants is Represent Get room participant
func (s *SDKImpl) GetRoomParticipants(req *GetRoomParticipantsReq) (*GetRoomParticipantsResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// AddRoomParticipants Add room participants
func (s *SDKImpl) AddRoomParticipants(req *AddRoomParticipantsReq) (*AddRoomParticipantsResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// RemoveRoomParticipants Remove room participants
func (s *SDKImpl) RemoveRoomParticipants(req *RemoveRoomParticipantsReq) (*RemoveRoomParticipantsResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// GetUserRooms Get user rooms
func (s *SDKImpl) GetUserRooms(req *GetUserRoomsReq) (*GetUserRoomsResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// PostComment Post comment
func (s *SDKImpl) PostComment(req *PostCommentReq) (*PostCommentResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// LoadComments load comments
func (s *SDKImpl) LoadComments(req *LoadCommentsReq) (*LoadCommentsResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// PostSystemEventMessage post system event message
func (s *SDKImpl) PostSystemEventMessage(req *PostSystemEventMessageReq) (*PostSystemEventMessageResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// GetUnreadCount get unread count in room
func (s *SDKImpl) GetUnreadCount(req *GetUnreadCountReq) (*GetUnreadCountResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// GetUsers get users
func (s *SDKImpl) GetUsers(req *GetUsersReq) (*GetUsersResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// LoadCommentsWithRange load comments with range
func (s *SDKImpl) LoadCommentsWithRange(req *LoadCommentsWithRangeReq) (*LoadCommentsWithRangeResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// GetOrCreateChannel get or create channel
func (s *SDKImpl) GetOrCreateChannel(req *GetOrCreateChannelReq) (*GetOrCreateChannelResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// GetAverageReplyTimeUser get average reply time user
func (s *SDKImpl) GetAverageReplyTimeUser(req *GetAverageReplyTimeUserReq) (*GetAverageReplyTimeUserResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// GetWebhookLogs get webhook logs
func (s *SDKImpl) GetWebhookLogs(req *GetWebhookLogsReq) (*GetWebhookLogsResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// DeactivateUser deactivate user
func (s *SDKImpl) DeactivateUser(req *DeactivateUserReq) (*DeactivateUserResponse, *qiscus.Error)

// ReactivateUser deactivate user
func (s *SDKImpl) ReactivateUser(req *ReactivateUserReq) (*ReactivateUserResponse, *qiscus.Error)

3. Advance Usage

3.1. Override Base API URL

sdkClient,_ := sdk.NewSDKFromEnv()
// Default SDK base is https://api.qiscus.com, you can use SetAPIBase() to override.

multichannelClient, _ := multichannel.NewMultichannelFromEnv()
// Default Multichannel base is https://multichannel.qiscus.com, you can use SetAPIBase() to override.

3.2. Override HTTP Client timeout

By default, timeout value for HTTP Client 80 seconds. But you can override the HTTP client default config from global variable qiscus.DefaultHttpClient:

t := 100 * time.Second
qiscus.DefaultHttpClient = &http.Client{
	Timeout: t,

3.3. HTTP Outbound Log Configuration

By default, the outbound log is false. You have option to change the default outbound log configuration with global variable qiscus.DefaultHttpOutboundLog:

qiscus.DefaultHttpOutboundLog = true

// Details HTTP Outbound Log
  "level": "info",
  "method": "POST",
  "url": "https://multichannel.qiscus.com/api/v1/room_tag/create",
  "body": "{\"room_id\":\"12345678\",\"tag\":\"test\"}",
  "status": 200,
  "response": "{\"data\":{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"test\"}}",
  "latency": 774.9559,
  "time": "2021-09-20T14:32:24+07:00",
  "message": "OUTBOUND LOG"

4. Error Handling

Several functions in the product allow to throw an error, below is an qiscus error object you can use:

_, err := multichannelClient.GetRoomTags("12345678")
if err != nil {
	message := err.GetMessage()               // general message error
	statusCode := err.GetStatusCode()         // HTTP status code e.g: 400, 401, etc.
	rawApiResponse := err.GetRawApiResponse() // raw Go HTTP response object
	rawError := err.GetRawError()             // raw Go err object