- 2
French Localization
#1960 opened by Theo-Reignier - 3
Math Typo on Qiskit Pulse Documentation
#1985 opened by Harmless-Flower - 2
- 7
Bug: 404 on Problem Sets link
#2005 opened by micpap25 - 5
- 2
- 1
- 3
Bug: complex conjugation not rendered
#2041 opened by gavinking - 1
As a learner, I want to access all versions of the Textbook from a single platform, so I continue my education with minimum confusion
#2046 opened by vabarbosa - 2
Bug: Randomized benchmarking still using Ignis
#2052 opened by coruscating - 1
Bug: Cannot run the quiskit aer simulator
#2062 opened by nuvinga - 1
As a learner, I want to navigate through the problems, so that I can complete the badge requirements
#2079 opened by vandieren - 2
Bug: code cells in Variational Algo course not running
#2080 opened by vandieren - 1
Suggestions to make it more clear that there are Lesson Notes and a Glossary
#2091 opened by Eric-Arellano - 1
Quantum Time Evolution Chapter
#2099 opened by Zoufalc - 1
alignment of the course content
#2107 opened by blesso1quanta - 1
- 2
Bug: multiple choice not working in textbook
#2114 opened by vandieren - 4
- 3
- 4
Bug: Old URL* is not redirected to new URL*
#2150 opened by HuangJunye - 2
- 1
Bug: IBMRuntimeService being used
#2157 opened by elvis2 - 3
All tutorial links are broken (error 404)
#2172 opened by Raghav-Bell - 1
Handling of typos in textbook
#2193 opened by Andir16 - 2
Pull request tests are failing due to Cypress error
#2200 opened by Raghav-Bell - 0
Bug: MegamenuDropdown links need to be updated for the Variational algorithms design course
#2203 opened by techtolentino - 0
Add 1XP banner to "Account" and "Sign in" pages
#2189 opened by eddybrando - 0
Bug: The top menu is not updated
#2190 opened by y4izus - 1
Bug: Simon's problem math not rendering
#2186 opened by jacobwatkins1 - 3
Update Qiskit Textbook pages
#2174 opened by pandasa123 - 2
Create a banner to announce the new Learning Platform
#2158 opened by y4izus - 1
Replace 1XP links before launch
#2185 opened by eddybrando - 3
- 0
Bug: Some links in Legacy content are not working
#2154 opened by kifumi - 0
- 3
- 5
Bug: MissingOptionalLibraryError: The 'seaborn' library is required to use 'plot_state_qsphere'.
#2108 opened by yuttai - 2
Update deploy action to set build_args
#2120 opened by vabarbosa - 2
Bug: VQE algorithm-design/cost_function code block error for optimizing max-cut-vqe
#2097 opened by david-alber - 1
Bug: Typo in variational algorithm course
#2089 opened by vandieren - 5
As a learner in the variational Algorithm course, I want to see a message when I finish the badge activities, so that I know what to expect as next steps.
#2083 opened by vandieren - 0
Bug: Typo error in Basics of quantum information course/Multiple Systems chapter/2.2Measurements of quantum states
#2017 opened by fyasla - 0
Bug: Stars in the sidebar of the Quantum Coin Game page
#2004 opened by micpap25 - 0
Bug: Pages missing for Games & Demos in Content dropdown
#2003 opened by micpap25 - 0
Applied Algorithm pages are missing / labelled weirdly in the "Browse All Content" dropdown
#2002 opened by micpap25 - 0
Bug: Typos in Grover's Algorithm
#1956 opened by david-alber - 0
Bug: typo on the Phase kick page
#1990 opened by vandieren - 0
- 0
Bug: LaTeX encoding showing up in sidebar
#1983 opened by vandieren