
Validate RadioListTile inside form via the formKey.currentState.validate()

Primary LanguageDart

Radio_group_library with the ability to check formKey validate()

Validate RadioListTile inside form via the formKey.currentState.validate()

Radio_group_library - it's library List of RadioListTile. The main task is to simplify the validation of RadioListTile.

Current functionality:

  • Checking if the user has selected one of the radio buttons.
  • The layout of the list items is available in a vertical version.

What's in the next version?

  • Checking for multiple selectable radio buttons
  • Add other options for customizing conditions.
  • Add more widget interface customization options: font size, element color and padding between them.
  • Add the ability to horizontally arrange list items.
  • Fix some visual bags

How it works:

  • Add a RadioGroupForm widget inside the Form.
  • Create a model using Mixin RadioSelectableItem(String title).
  • Pass data based on the model to the widget.
  • Set the Form the key _formKey
  • Validation occurs when the _formKey.currentState.validate() method is called. Use & enjoy! :)