
A wrapper of the IPFS Client HTTP-API for iOS.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


A wrapper of the IPFS Client HTTP-API for iOS.

CI Status Version License Platform

Check out the client API reference for the full command reference.


  • test case.
  • support OSX.
  • example app.
  • support carthage.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

iOS example

    import Ipfs
    //Default base address: ""
    //Do nothing...
    Ipfs.shared().setBase(address: "http://your.ipfs.address")
    Ipfs.shared().setBase(address: "http://your.ipfs.address", port: 5001)
    Ipfs.shared().setBase(address: "http://your.ipfs.address", port: 5001, apiVersionPath: "/api/v0")
    import Ipfs
    import Moya
    // /swarm/peers
    Ipfs.swarm.peers { (result) in
        switch result {
        case let .success(moyaResponse):
            let data = moyaResponse.data
            let statusCode = moyaResponse.statusCode
            // do something with the response data or statusCode
            print("statusCode: \(statusCode)")
            print("result: \(data)")
        case let .failure(error):
            // this means there was a network failure - either the request
            // wasn't sent (connectivity), or no response was received (server
            // timed out).  If the server responds with a 4xx or 5xx error, that
            // will be sent as a ".success"-ful response.
            print("failure: \(error.localizedDescription)")
    import Ipfs
    import Moya //pod 'Moya/RxSwift'
    import RxSwift
    let service = IAService.swarmPeers(arguments: nil)
    let queue = DispatchQueue(label: service.path, qos: .utility, attributes: [.concurrent])
    Ipfs.shared().rx.request(MultiTarget(service), callbackQueue: queue)
        .subscribe(onSuccess: { (model) in
            print("model count: \(model.peers?.count ?? 0)")
            print("model peers: \(String(describing: model.peers ?? nil))")
        }) { (error) in
        print("failure: \(error.localizedDescription)")
    }.disposed(by: disposeBag)


  • iOS 8.0+
  • Xcode 9.3+
  • Swift 4.1+


IpfsApi is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'IpfsApi'

Test environment setup

An IPFS docker image is hosted at hub.docker.com/r/ipfs/go-ipfs. To make files visible inside the container you need to mount a host directory with the -v option to docker. Choose a directory that you want to use to import/export files from IPFS. You should also choose a directory to store IPFS files that will persist when you restart the container.

export ipfs_staging=</absolute/path/to/somewhere/>
export ipfs_data=</absolute/path/to/somewhere_else/>

Start a container running ipfs and expose ports 4001, 5001 and 8080:

docker run -d --name ipfs_host -v $ipfs_staging:/export -v \
    $ipfs_data:/data/ipfs -p 4001:4001 -p \
    -p ipfs/go-ipfs:latest

Watch the ipfs log:

docker logs -f ipfs_host

Wait for ipfs to start. ipfs is running when you see:

Gateway (readonly) server
listening on /ip4/

You can now stop watching the log.

Run ipfs commands:

docker exec ipfs_host ipfs <args...>

For example: connect to peers

docker exec ipfs_host ipfs swarm peers

Add files:

cp -r <something> $ipfs_staging
docker exec ipfs_host ipfs add -r /export/<something>

Stop the running container:

docker stop ipfs_host


kjaylee, k.jaylee@gmail.com


IpfsApi is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.