YACS: Yet Another Configuration System

Primary LanguagePython

YACS: Yet Another Configuration System

YACS is a very lightweight (the core implementation is no more than 250 lines) yet sufficiently powerful Python configuration utility, requiring no 3rd-party package. I used it in my several machine-learning/deep-learning projects, and it worked well and reliably.


Since YACS is so simple, we recommend just copying the single yacs.py file to your project. That is it. No tedious package installation is needed.

If wish to load/dump configurations from/to a yaml file, PyYAML is required.


For a regular-scale project, developers usually use a configuration file to define some default behaviors of their programs.

Take a machine learning project as example, the configuration file defines under which mode the experiment is running, use which model to run the task, and how the data is organized:

# default_config.yaml
mode: train
  backbone: vgg19
  source: dir/to/data/*.jpg
  batch_size: 32


YACS uses a Config object to implement all necessary interaction and manipulation to the configurations.

Let's start by loading these configurations from the yaml and printing them:

from yacs import Config

cfg = Config('default_config.yaml')

In the terminal, it shows something like this:

mode:                         train
  backbone:                     vgg19
  source:                       dir/to/data/*.jpg
  batch_size:                   32

Access attributes

Config is actually a child class of the built-in dict, so we can access its attributes by keys, or more compactly, in a dotted-dict way (more recommended):

mode = cfg['mode']  # 'train'
mode = cfg.mode     # 'train'

For inputs with nested structures, Config objects will be recursively created, so you can access its attributes in a recursive way:

bs = cfg.data.batch_size  # 32

Modify attributes

For safety reason, attributes are not allowed to be modified nor deleted by default:

cfg.data.batch_size = 512  # AttributeError: attempted to modify an immutable Config

Instead, one have to use the unfreeze() context manager to make any modification:

with cfg.unfreeze():
    cfg.data.batch_size = 512

Similarly, to add a new attribute or a child object to the current Config object:

with cfg.unfreeze():
    cfg.training = Config({'optimizer': 'Adam'})
mode:                         train
  backbone:                     vgg19
  source:                       dir/to/data/*.jpg
  batch_size:                   512
  optimizer:                    Adam

Here, by typing cfg.training = Config({'optimizer': 'Adam'}), we instantiate a temporary Config object from a dict and add it as the training attribute to cfg.


For a machine learning project, hyper-parameters or other setups vary case-by-case for each training or inference, so in addition to the default configurations, developers often require a temporary config file at hand, by which to override parts of the default configurations.

Assume we are now using another yaml to store these user-specific configurations:

# user_config.yaml
  backbone: resnet50
  batch_size: 128

Now we can use merge() to merge these temporary configurations into the default ones, overriding the duplicates while keeping others unchanged:

cfg = Config('default_config.yaml')
mode:                         train
  backbone:                     resnet50
  source:                       dir/to/data/*.jpg
  batch_size:                   128

If the user-specific configurations contain attributes that are not in cfg, use exclusive=False to explicitly claim that you wish to add new attributes:

cfg.merge('user_config.yaml', exclusive=False)

Let's see another example. Assume there is a optimizer attribute in the default yaml, in which we assign three children attributes optimizer_name, lr, and momentum:

# sgd.yaml
mode: train
  optimizer_name: SGD
  lr: 0.01
  momentum: 0.9

Now in one experiment, we wish to replace SGD with Adam optimizer, so we can create a temporary yaml and merge it like this:

# adam.yaml
  optimizer_name: Adam
  lr: 1.0E-5
cfg = Config('sgd.yaml')
mode:                         train
  optimizer_name:               Adam
  lr:                           1e-05
  momentum:                     0.9

Note that by default, the non-conflict attributes will be kept unchanged after merging, so in this case, cfg.optimizer.momentum attribute is still kept after merging, which is not our intention because Adam does not require a momentum parameter.

In such scenarios that we would like to completely replace an attribute (cfg.optmizer here) and all its children attributes, use keep_existed_attr=False to make cfg neater:

cfg = Config('sgd.yaml')
adam_cfg = Config('adam.yaml')
cfg.optimizer.merge(adam_cfg.optimizer, keep_existed_attr=False)
mode:                         train
  optimizer_name:               Adam
  lr:                           1e-05

Now cfg.optimizer.momentum is gone because we explicitly ask not to keep those old and non-conflict attributes.

Work with argparse

One appealing feature in Hydra is that it allows users to control their programs' running options in the terminal, with the help of argparse package.

YACS also allows initializing or merging configurations from the command line.

Config's to_parser() method offers a way to automatically generate an argparse.ArgumentParser object, whose arguments are converted from the key-attribute pairs. For a nested attribute, keys from hierarchies are concatenated into an argument, with . as separators.

Let's use default_config.yaml as example again. Instead of explicitly creating an argument parser such as

import argparse

def create_parser():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('--mode', type=str, default='train')
    parser.add_argument('--model.backbone', type=str, default='vgg19')
    parser.add_argument('--data.source', type=str, default='dir/to/data/*.jpg')
    parser.add_argument('--data.batch_size', type=int, default=32)
    return parser

we do this in an easier way:

cfg = Config('default_config.yaml')
parser = cfg.to_parser()

Then you can put this parser to the entry of your program, to accept arguments from the terminal, and then merge the parsed arguments (will be stored in an argparse.Namespace object) back into the cfg:

# main.py
from yacs import Config

def main(cfg):
    # core program ...

if __name__ == '__main__':
    cfg = Config('default_config.yaml')
    parser = cfg.to_parser()
    cfg.merge(parser.parse_args())  # merge from an argparse.Namespace object


Finally we run main.py in the terminal with some extra arguments:

$ python main.py --model.backbone resnet101 --data.batch_size 1024

and will get results:

mode:                         train
  backbone:                     resnet101
  source:                       dir/to/data/*.jpg
  batch_size:                   1024

Dump & Conversion

Config provides following methods to dump or convert your configurations to other datatype:

  • dump(yaml_path) dumps the configurations into a yaml file;

  • copy() creates a deep copy of the current Config object;

  • to_dict() converts a Config object into a regular nested dict;

  • string() converts a Config object into a string with pretty format.

More Usage Examples

See examples directory for more practical usages.


YACS shares part of designs from rbgirshick's yacs and OmegaConf.


Copyright 2021 Qiu Jueqin.

Licensed under MIT.