
A selection of scripts for DTI analysis with FSL

Primary LanguageShell


A selection of scripts to guide and automate DTI analysis with FSL



  1. Clone this repository into your workinng directory

    • type git clone https://github.com/MonsieurWave/DTI-Scripts into your terminal
  2. Extract nifti, bvals and bvecs from dicoms:

    • Use the dcm2niix command line tool on dicom folder
    • place example.nii, example.bval and example.bvec in this subject's folder
    • Rename output to exampleSubject.nii, exampleSubject.bval and exampleSubject.bvec (or however your subject is named)
  3. Organize your study directory:

    • Subject data should be in subject folder (ex: /Ana/subject1)
    • The subject folder and the subject's data should have the same name
    • Bvals, Bvecs and .nii files should be in every subject's folder (ex: /Ana/subject1/subject1.nii)
  4. Compute DTI

    • Open the DTI_Computation.sh file
    • Modify the line 'subjs="subj01 subj02"' to list your subjects (ex: subjs="subject1 subject2 subject3")
    • Modify the line 'main_dir="/your/path/to/main/directory"' to point to the study directory (ex: main_dir="/Users/example/Ana")
    • Copy Paste the modified script into your terminal and run it (this might take some time)
  5. View DTI images

    • Use fsleyes to view the computed images
  6. ROI Data Extraction

    • Open the singleSubROI.sh file in ROI_Analysis/singleSubject/automaticROI
    • Modify the line 'subjs="subj01"' to match to your subject
    • Modify the line main_dir="/your/path/to/main/directory" to match your study directory
    • Modify the line ROIname="n8_R" to match your ROI
    • In fsleyes, identify the coordinates of your ROI and enter them into the singleSubROI.sh
    • Copy the first part (until the checkpoint) into your editor and execute it - a window will open
    • Verify the position of the ROI.
    • If it is correctly place, copy paste the rest of the file in your terminal and execute it. Otherwise repeat from start and change coordinates.
    • Data is saved in Analysis/Analysis.txt