
load hcp (human connectome project) data, get correlation matrices with less memory usage and faster

Primary LanguagePython


load hcp (human connectome project) data, get correlation matrices with less memory usage and faster

Python modules required:

NumPy 1.9.X -- preferred with high performance blas/lapack libraries (e.g. openblas or intel-mkl)

SciPy 0.14.1

NiBabel 2.1.0dev -> $ git clone --branch enh/cifti2 https://github.com/satra/nibabel.git

numexpr 2.4.4

load_hcp.py : loading *GIFTI formatted hcp data for a given subject and generating its time-series matrix. The function is affective to load data for many subjects e.g. in a loop and especially good with "N_user" option, which decides the length of time-series for fast-forward runs.

corr_faster.py : given a matrix X, this function returns a 1D array, whose elements correspond to the upper-triangular part (excluding diagonals) of correlation coefficient matrix. "write_upper" function exports the 1D array more efficient than numpy.savetxt.

corr_full.py : given a 1D array of upper triangular correlation matrix, this function returns the full correlation matrix

Step 1, load time-series as a numpy array

K = load_hcp.t_series(data_path, subject, template, cnt_files, N_user, subject_path=None, dtype=None)

Step 2, get upper triangular of correlation matrix of time-series

K = corr_faster.corrcoef_upper(K)

Step 3, convert 1D array to its full-symmetric 2D correlation matrix. 1D array must be re-sized outside of function.

N_orig = corr_full.N_original(K)



References: http://www.humanconnectome.org/ https://github.com/satra/nibabel/tree/enh/cifti2