
An example of Spring data jpa in Spring boot

Primary LanguageJava

####Simplifying persistence - even more! Spring has always had some nice APIs to work with persistence stores. Today, we'll briefly look into their spring-data-jpa module.

####About this post As usual, this blogpost is accompanied by a github repository, which uses spring boot to show you a basic example of how the technology works. Running this spring boot example can be done by the following command:

gradle bootRun

###The code ####The model As we see in all of our projects, our JPA configuration requires some entities to work with. In our example, we chose for a well-known User entity, which is just a pojo, decorated with some JPA-annotations.

public class User {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy= GenerationType.AUTO)
    private Long id;
    private String name;
    private String password;
  • @Entity tells us that this class is an entity. It will therefore be a candidate for persistence. Without an @Table annotation, spring will automatically give the table a default name.

  • @Id and @GeneratedValue are being used on the unique id of the entity. It will automatically generate a value for this field.

####Basic service Of course, a service layer isn't necessary to be part of your setup, but to restrict the outside world of calling methods you'd rather not want to provide, we added this extra layer.

public class UserService {

	private UserRepository userRepository;

	public List<User> getAllUsers() {
    	return userRepository.findAll();
	public void addUser(User user) {

####The simplest of repositories public interface UserRepository extends JpaRepository<User, Long>{ User findByNameAndPassword ( @Param("name") String name, @Param("password") String password );


For our basic example, this will be our repository. We created an interface and extended from the JpaRepository interface, which will expose some basic operations to use on your dataset.

But mr. developer, where is the implementation?

That's the beauty of spring-data-jpa. Basic queries can be derived from the names of your methods. For more examples and info we can refer you to the spring-data-jpa documentation

####Gradle dependency compile("org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-jpa") compile("com.h2database:h2")

####The configuration Booting up the example takes just a tiny configuration file. All of the configuration is done for you, automatically. You don't have to add a datasource, as spring-boot will just produce one for you.

It will also automatically scan for all components and do some aop-magic to ensure a fully running application.

public class JpaApplication {

	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        SpringApplication.run(JpaApplication.class, args);

###Output after startup We added a small producer class, which you'll find on github, that will produce and show the current users. When booting the example application, you'll see an output similar to this one.

c.q.s.e.caching.producer.UserProducer    : Trying to find all users.
c.q.s.e.caching.producer.UserProducer    : --No users found--
c.q.s.e.caching.producer.UserProducer    : -> Adding new user now!
c.q.s.e.caching.producer.UserProducer    : Trying to find all users.
c.q.s.e.caching.producer.UserProducer    : user with id 1 and name Quinten found :)

###About the example code The example - found on github - ###Coming up In one of my next blogposts, I'll dig a little deeper into types of repositories, ways to extend your repositories with more complex queries and QueryDSL. I'll also show you how these repositories can be subject of simple integration-tests.