
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Qoalition is a decentralised blockchain community for curious minds!

With Qoalition, you can earn while you learn! Ask and answer questions on Qoaltion and get paid in crypto currency.

Setup Instructions:

  1. Install Ganache locally brew install --cask ganache.
  • Choose Ethereum (Quickstart)
  1. Install Dependencies
npm i -g truffle
npm i
  1. Pair the app with Ganache
  • Click the settings icon in the top right side
  • Click 'Add Project' button
  • Find the truffle-config.js file and pair
  • Click top right button, Save and Restart
  1. Pair Truffle with Ganache
truffle migrate --reset
  1. Instantiate contract instance with local test network
  • Copy the contact address e.g. 0x8732939cE66C8752ED55d0e186A8cdc0a66C0c59
  • Update the CONTRACT_ADDRESS value in the .env file in the root folder.
  • Update the CONTRACT_ADDRESS in the contractData.js file in the root folder.
  1. Start server
cd server
npm run start-dev
  1. Start Client
cd client
npm i 
npm run build
npm run start

Database setup

There are two ways you can connect to a DB: 'local' and 'server'.

ELEPHANT SQL (default):
To connect to the Elephant SQL DB:

  1. In your .env, set DATABASE = 'server'

To connect to a local DB:

  1. If you haven't already, install postgres on your machine.
  2. Enter into the postgres shell using psql
  3. Run CREATE DATABASE qoalition;
  4. Connect to the DB using \c qoalition.
  5. In your .env, set DATABASE = 'local'

Run the following commands to create a fresh DB with some initial data Currently includes 5 users, 3 questions, and 5 answers. Or simply run a subset of commands you want to use for development.

DROP TABLE questions,answers,users,commendations;

-- Create Users Table
  password TEXT NOT NULL,
  created_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
  total_commendations INT DEFAULT 0

-- Create Questions Table
CREATE TABLE questions (
  question TEXT NOT NULL,
  question_description TEXT,
  question_bc_address TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE,
  num_upvotes INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  num_downvotes INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  total_commendations INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  topic TEXT NOT NULL,
  created_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
  user_id INT NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT fk_user
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id)
      REFERENCES users(user_id)

-- Create Answers Table
CREATE TABLE answers (
  answer TEXT NOT NULL,
  answer_bc_address TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE,
  num_upvotes INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  num_downvotes INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
  created_at timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
  question_id INT NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT fk_question
    FOREIGN KEY (question_id)
      REFERENCES questions(question_id),
  user_id INT NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT fk_user
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id) 
      REFERENCES users(user_id)

-- Create Commendations Table : Currently Unused
CREATE TABLE commendations (
  user_id int NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT fk_user
    FOREIGN KEY (user_id) 
      REFERENCES users (user_id),
  question_id int NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT fk_question
    FOREIGN KEY (question_id)
      REFERENCES questions (question_id)

-- U1
INSERT INTO users(username, password, wallet_id)
  VALUES ('eric', 'joshisawesome', 12345);

-- U2
INSERT INTO users(username, password, wallet_id)
  VALUES ('julia', 'ilovecrypto', 123456);

-- U3
INSERT INTO users(username, password, wallet_id)
  VALUES ('sean', 'cssmaster', 123457);

-- U4
INSERT INTO users(username, password, wallet_id)
  VALUES ('kevin', 'messyroom', 123458);

-- U5
INSERT INTO users(username, password, wallet_id)
  VALUES ('tom', 'nightowl', 1234569);

-- Q1
INSERT INTO questions(question, question_description, question_bc_address, topic, user_id)
  VALUES ('What is the meaning of life?', 'I just want to know why we are living.', 10006, 'Miscellaneous', 1);

-- Q2
INSERT INTO questions(question, question_description, question_bc_address, topic, user_id)
  VALUES ('Where should i learn more about programming?', 'I know nothing.', 10007, 'Technology', 2);

-- Q3
INSERT INTO questions(question, question_description, question_bc_address, topic, user_id)
  VALUES ('Who do you think is going to win the Superbowl?', 'Are the Buccs going to repeat?', 10008, 'sports', 5);

-- A1
INSERT INTO answers(answer, answer_bc_address, question_id, user_id)
  VALUES ('Everything and nothing.', 10001, 1, 2);

-- A2
INSERT INTO answers(answer, answer_bc_address, question_id, user_id)
  VALUES ('There isnt a meaning. Its all just a dream.', 10002, 1, 4);

-- A3
INSERT INTO answers(answer, answer_bc_address, question_id, user_id)
  VALUES ('Codesmith!', 10003, 2, 5);

-- A4
INSERT INTO answers(answer, answer_bc_address, question_id, user_id)
  VALUES ('Yeah they are probably going to repeat. Tom Brady is the GOAT.', 10004, 3, 1);

-- A5
INSERT INTO answers(answer, answer_bc_address, question_id, user_id)
  VALUES ('Packers all the way! GO PACK GO!', 10005, 3, 3);

Database trouble shooting

  • When running psql you may get this error:
psql: error: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
        Is the server running locally and accepting
        connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
  • If this is the case you can use the following commands at the risk of damaging any current postgres databases stored locally:

    • rm /usr/local/var/postgres/postmaster.pid
    • brew services restart postgresql
  • When running psql you may get this error:

psql: error: FATAL:  database "<username>" does not exist
  • Just run:
    • psql -d template1
    • CREATE DATABASE <username>
    • Exit out of the psql shell.
      • Now run psql, it should just work.

Quick Start Instructions

  1. Start the server
cd server
npm run start-dev
  1. Start the front end
cd client
npm run start
  1. Open Ganache

Without Ganache

  1. Start Truffle
npx truffle develop
truffle migrate --reset // remove --reset normally
  1. If you are running it first time locally
truffle migrate --reset
  1. Copy the contract address that appears.
  2. Place it in contractData.js and in .env as the CONTRACT_ADDRESS.


  • Julia Collins
  • Tom Harper
  • Kevin Berlanga
  • Eric Wilding
  • Sean Yalda