
Telar Social user interface using nextjs - supporting Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and Server Side Rendering (SSR)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Telar Social User Interface Using Next.JS

🚧 IT IS UNDER ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT, current version is unstable and maybe change at any time until release of v1.0.0. 🚧

Compatible with OpenFaaS

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New Features

  • Progressive Web App (PWAs)
  • Server Side Rendering (SSR)

Built With

  • Next.JS With Next.js, server rendering React applications has never been easier, no matter where your data is coming from. No need to learn a new framework. Exporting a static site with Next.js is as easy as a single command.
  • TypeScript TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
  • JSX/TSX This project support both *.jsx and *.tsx files. JSX is a statically-typed, object-oriented programming language designed to run on modern web browsers. Being developed at DeNA as a research project, the language has following characteristics.
  • React A javascript library for building user interfaces.
  • Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps.
  • Material-UI A Set of React Components that Implement Google's Material Design.
  • react-redux Official React bindings for Redux.
  • redux-saga is a library that aims to make application side effects (i.e. asynchronous things like data fetching and impure things like accessing the browser cache) easier to manage, more efficient to execute, simple to test, and better at handling failures.
  • redux-thunk Redux Thunk middleware allows you to write action creators that return a function instead of an action. The thunk can be used to delay the dispatch of an action, or to dispatch only if a certain condition is met. The inner function receives the store methods dispatch and getState as parameters.
  • Sass CSS with superpowers. Sass boasts more features and abilities than any other CSS extension language out there.
  • InversifyJS InversifyJS is a lightweight (4KB) inversion of control (IoC) container for TypeScript and JavaScript apps. A IoC container uses a class constructor to identify and inject its dependencies.


  • Amir Movahedi

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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details