Car and fuel game


Concept of this game is to control a-car in X-axis(left or right) on the road and get fuel to increase score. while the car is running. The player must avoid an object such as a road hole, car and dog. a player will have 5 hearts if their hearts decrease to zero.the game will be over.

By Wissarut Kanasub SKE20

Required libraries and tools

  • Coding on python V. 3.10
  • Python turtle graphic
  • random, os and Colection

File and class description

1.GameObject class (

This class is an inheritance from Turtle.Superclass of all objects in the game that can move. Have 3 attributes is shape, color, position

  • Collide(other): check collide

2.Car class (

This class is a subclass of Gameobject but add more attribute are score: int, heart: int

  • control_left(): move car to left
  • control_right(): move car to right
  • decrease_hearts(damage): decrease car hearts with damage
  • increase_score(): increase score when car collide with fuel

3.Fuel class (

This class is a subclass of Gameobject too.

  • move(): move in direction (-y axis)

4.AvoidObject class (

This class is a subclass of Gameobject too.look like fuel class

  • move(): move in direction (-y axis)

(5 to 7).Dog, Truck, Hole: class (

These Classes are subclass of AvoidObject class. I make it a subclass because it is simple and formal to read.
and an important attribute for this game is damage: int.

8.Screen class (

This class objective is make a screen

  • init() : make a screen with (600 x 600) size. and background picture

9.Road class (

This class objective is operation all in screen without previous
move objects such as show score, show heart, write road border
with Height and Width, game over screen and top 3 score board

  • make(): writer parallel road border with 400 length
  • game_over(obj): show game over screen with current score of player name.
  • see_score(obj) : show score of player update real time on screen top left.
  • see_heart(obj): show hearts of player update real time on screen top right.
  • score_board(data_dict): show top 3 player scoreboard.
    data_dict input from DatabaseGame method

10.DatabaseGame class (

This class objective is save game (score and player name)
in “Database.json” in format of dictionary type.
two important of this class is player_name and score

  • write_database(): Create new “Database.json” and write a save game if there is no file. if not just write only.
  • sorted_score(): @staticmethod
    return sorted score of player high to low

This file use all class and file to make a real game