Breaking Bad Leaflet - Link

Website which uses The Breaking Bad API to display information about Breaking Bad movie series.

Design patterns

Proxy (Api):

  • Used to simplify and speed up retrieving and accessing data
  • Provides simple checks which make sure that there aren't any unnecessary API calls
  • Any changes to the inner storage of data don't imply changes to components, only proxy file has to be changed
  • Adding new data objects (e.g., character, episode) is easily done in proxy class
File: main/api


  • Restrict class to have just one instance and ensure that it is globally accessible
  • Api Proxy:
    • Create an instance of a class if it does not yet exist, otherwise, return the reference to an existing instance
    • Restrict user from calling constructor directly by using private access modifier
    • Global access provided by exporting BreakingBadApi class
    • Ensure that all components work with the same object to provide best performance (caching etc.)
  • Data facade:
    • Create an instance of a class if it does not yet exist, otherwise, return the reference to an existing instance (same as Api Proxy)
    • Restrict user from calling constructor directly by using private access modifier
    • Global access provided by exporting Data class
    • Ensure that all components work with the same object
  • Redux store:
    • Global access to the main store
    • All of the data which is shown to user stored in a store
    • Ease debugging, snapshotting and sending / restoring state from a server or a local storage
    • Ensure that there is only one place to look for different states or changes within application
Files: main/api/index.ts (Api Proxy), main/data/index.ts (Data facade), main/store.ts (Redux store)

Facade (Data):

  • Used to provide a simplified interface for components
  • Encapsulates core data functionalities under simple and semantic methods
  • Extracts logic from components
  • Easier to extend
File: main/data.index.ts


  • Everything is represented as a component
  • Each component is a leaf of the tree and can compose multiple components together to create a new leaf (in that case it's a composite but is still a leaf of the tree)
  • Highly convenient to build scalable applications that utilize many objects
  • Reusable interface
Files: modules/App.index.ts, modules/SearchParams/index.ts


  • Store = Receiver: instantiated with reducers - descriptions on how the store change, given a command knows how to fulfill that request
  • Action = Command: actions contain description of the command (type) and parameters it needs to execute state change (payload)
  • Dispatch = Executor: dispatch actions to change the state of application
Files: main/store/store.ts (store), library/common/actions.ts (action), main/api/index.ts (dispatch)

Dependency injection (Results):

  • Results component doesn't display the results, instead it delegates the rendering to its child components (Character, Episode etc.)
  • Results depend on its child components for the rendering
  • Caller of Results sets this dependency - in this case, SearchParams (searchParamType and objects)
  • Changing the dependency is very easy - replace the child of Results by another component
Files: modules/Results/index.ts, modules/SearchParams/index.ts


  • Subscription mechanisms notifying multiple objects about any events that happen to the object they're observing
  • React:
    • The observers are the components holding the state
    • The parent is the subject notifying the observers
  • Redux:
    • Steps in when parent wants to pass the state to grandchild directly without having to re-render the intermediate child
    • Any component in the app can observe any part of the store
    • Component listens to a specific slice of the app state
    • Whenever the slice of state this component is listening to changes, the component rerenders
    • An observer is observing only the relevant slice of the app state instead of the entire app state (observer only updated when necessary)
Files: library/common/components/Header/index.tsx


  • Results component should not be concerned with what to render based on payload, hence need for a layer of abstraction to keep code clean
  • Instead of creating many if statemens factory that will dynamically create components based on the payload
  • Adding new types of objects to the application simplified (add component to ObjectFactory and other components will behave correctly automatically)
  • Reusable ObjectFactory component which results in significant code reduction (e.g. RandomInfo and Details components)
Files: library/common/components/ObjectFactory/index.tsx, modules/Results/index.tsx, library/common/components/RandomInfo, library/common/components/Details


  • Majority of components render the same result given the same props, additionaly some of them usually get the same props
  • Attach new behavior to those components by placing them inside special wrapper object that contain special behavior
  • React solution - wrap them in React.memo which will cause react to skip rerendering the component and reusing the last rendered result
  • Performance boost by memoizing the result
Files: modules/Results/index.tsx, modules/Results/utils/results-utils.ts


  • Encapsulating algorithms and injecting them into components
  • Good separation layer between the component and the internals of the algorithm
  • ThemeToggle:
    • Any function can be chosen to change theme of the page
    • Currently redux is used but later on other library and logic can be chosen for theme
    • Functionality is passed as props and used on "click" event
  • ScrollButton:
    • Any function can be chosen to scroll page to the top
    • Functionality is passed as props and used on "click" event
Files: modules/App/index.tsx, library/common/components/ThemeToggle/index.tsx, library/common/components/ScrollButton/index.tsx