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Tool to print out top ports from nmap services list
./poports.sh <options>
###OPTIONS: -p --proto Filter by protocol, aka: tcp,udp,sctp default="all" -n --num <#> Number of results default=100 -d --delim Set a delimiter between service,port,protocol default=":" -g --gnmap Path of nmap gnmap scan results file This will be used to find top ports and create a file for each port found, listing each IP from the scan file name is port.$protocol.$port_number -o --out
Directory you want the above port file to drop default="." aka wherever you run this -v --verbose Displays more stuff to stdout -V --version Prints version and exits -h --help ? This cruft...###EXAMPLES:
./poports.sh -p sctp -n 25
Grabs the top 25 sctp ports & prints them to stdout
./poports.sh --num 5000 -g /root/customer/scans/all.gnmap --out ../ports/
Selects the top 5000 ports of all protocols and searches for each within the all.gnmap scan results file, creating an output file for each port found in the ../ports directory containing matching IPs
./poports.sh -d ,
Grabs the top 100 ports of all protocols and prints them to stdout using a ',' as delimiter between service,port,protocol