Movie shooting locations in San Francisco

View this on Heroku By Quentin Devauchelle - LinkedIn / Blog





I chose a very minimal backend, in Python. It was my first time using a web framework in Python, and I learned how to do so in the process. I chose the most minimal backend I could have, to have just the home route and another restful one that would get info from, filter it and get it back to Backbone. Then, I added a route to the jasmine page, for JS tests.

It is tested to make sure the data is never empty, and that the library I use (Backbone and its requirements) are required in the view.


It was my first time using Google Maps API, and Backbone. I learned a lot about it, and I am glad I did.

The tests I have for jasmine are just testing core features of the javascript backend. It was also my first time using Sinon, and Jasmine that much. Testing Backbone was interesting though

My process

I played with some sandbox to test the things I did not know on the side. TDD was a bad option for what I was trying to do, since I did not know about the way to use most of what I was using before I used it.

So, I split everything in small tasks on trello, and followed these.

In these tasks, I would make a new branch for every "feature" I recognized, and then merging it on master when it was done. You can check the result in github's "Network".

After I finished most of the features and felt I had a good grasp on what was happening, I tested what I felt was critical.

If I had more time

If I had more time, I would test a bit more the javascript part and particularly the view. I would also try my luck with integration tests with PhantomJs. I would also try and expand the infowindow to get more info from themoviedatabase