- 1
can't find key[label] in data_json file
#13 opened by flying-lby - 3
Results difference of compared method
#12 opened by Markin-Wang - 4
Retrieval task codes
#11 opened by AlexCo1d - 9
Chxpert 5x200 dataset
#10 opened by Markin-Wang - 5
lack the json file
#8 opened by Lalalalala-l - 1
Thanks for your great work! Can you share how to implemented t-SNE visualization of the high-level embeddings from the last layer of the image encoder on CheXpert 5x200?
#9 opened by Dramaeyp - 4
Visualization code
#6 opened by hq0709 - 1
image-text pre-trianed
#7 opened by Tzx11 - 1
Missing file
#3 opened by zzs95 - 4
- 1
#4 opened by Waterjk160 - 1
I can't find the key[label] in data_json file.
#2 opened by cl-red - 1
Expected Code Release
#1 opened by mustansarfiaz