
Spelling engine for the NATO phonetic alphabet

Primary LanguagePython


nato-spell is a Python package that can be used to spell a string / file with the well-known NATO phonetic alphabet.


System requirements:

  • aplay (ALSA command line player - it may already be installed on your computer)
  • python >= 3

Use pip or pipx to install nato-spell.

pip install nato-spell

On Arch Linux, you can install from AUR. For example:

yay -S nato-spell-git

## Usage

Minimal example

nato-spell SPELLME

Spelling from stdin

echo SPELLME | nato-spell -

Increase the delay between characters (unit is seconds, default is 0)

nato-spell SPELLME --char-delay=1

Use a different sound directory

nato-spell SPELLME --sound-dir=/home/me/my-sound-dir

And finally, an example, where we use them all together.

echo SPELLME | nato-spell - --sound-dir=/home/me/my-sound-dir --char-delay=1

## Sound assets 

These sounds were published by Tim Kahn and hosted on freesound.org
 - Tim Kahn ( https://freesound.org/people/tim.kahn/ )

Thank you Amy Gedgaudas and Tim Kahn for all these sounds.

They're licensed under:

## Contributing
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

## License