
Habbo Hotel emulator for the 2001 "v1" client revision.

Primary LanguageJava


Roseau was created for nostalgia purposes.

How to enable the debug window for V1

Make the HTML client link to loader_debug.dcr instead of loader.dcr There's no need to rename any files, loader_debug.dcr should be included with the client files that I supplied.


With Ascii from Puomi Hotel (long time Suelake v5 player, btw), these things were possible:

  • wall items loading
  • the correct ITEMS structure
  • figuring out the correct structure for ACTIVE OBJECTA
  • SHOWPROGRAM for the Club Massiva disco lights
  • correct structure for teleporters flashing
  • teaching me how to edit the DCR to enable Club Slinky Helsinki to work

And of course, lab-hotel from RaGEZONE helped me out with:

  • Instant console messaging.
  • Enabling the debug window for the version 1 client.

And lastly, office.boy and Nillus who made my life easier with their Blunk v5 server, it helped me with some protocol that was simillar to v1, and their item definition database which was very helpful for the v1 catalogue.

Thanks guys, this is the most completed v1 server to date!

- Alex