
Print rating of local streets

Primary LanguageSourcePawn


Print rating of local streets


The plugin is more suitable for servers with a local audience located within the same region. The plugin collects voluntarily specified streets by players into a common database, which determines the rating of the most playing streets in a city or village, or region. You can also edit it for yourself and specify, for example, countries or regions of countries(but there is already a GeoIP extension for this)


The list itself is configured in the streets/streets.sp file, where a list of the necessary streets is prescribed for display in the menu. There are also 4 variables that can be used to regulate commands and the time of advertising commands in the chat. They are located in the source file in defines like that:

#define MY "sm_mystreet"          -  Street Selection command
#define STAT "sm_streetstat"      -  Command to display the rating of the top 3 streets
#define DELETE "sm_delstreet"     -  Command to delete the specified street
#define TIME 120.0                -  The time of repeating the hint in the chat

Specify this section to connect to the database in the databases.cfg file

      "driver"            "mysql" 
      "host"              "host" 
      "database"          "db_name"
      "user"              "db_user" 
      "pass"              "password"
