
Give and Take engine and interface

Primary LanguageC

2010-05-12 - Rewrite of gnt with some ideas, beginning with precomputes.
2010-05-13 - Why haven't I thought of this before?  Compute king moves
             piece-meal, and not fully.  Should make many things easier.
             Also started with a more pliable client-server architecture
             help from http://home.hccnet.nl/h.g.muller/engine-intf.html
2010-05-15 - Even the piece-meal king moves are a bit hard to weed the bugs
             out of :) but I'm getting there
2010-05-18 - Weeding out the final (hopefully) bugs out of the basic king
             move generation, complete with jumps/moves and implementation
             of tactical square forcing jumps over that square, as well as
             active squares forcing landing square
2010-05-19 - Created pawn moves in a similar fashion as the king moves,
             not entirely trivial; but got the tactical square ideas to
             work as well as this piece must move part where the sides do
             not change but its a new move anyway.  This basically shifts
             the complexity of move generation into more search plies,
             but it should be faster and with a proper quiescence search
             there same tactical ideas should emerge.
2010-05-19 - Began writing endgame tablebase calculation
2010-05-20 - Implemented initial buggy search.  Noted for the first time
             that my clever idea about splitting up the chain moves into
             separate moves that don't change sides actually throws a bit
             of a wrench into the elegancy of minimax
2010-05-22 - Discovered a multiple purpose bug (heh heh) when a pawn kinged
             during a capture, it was still that pawns turn to move!  It is
             possible that kinging wasn't even part of the bug...
2010-05-22 - First basically working version, with more or less proper
             quiescence search.  Not generating moves for leaf nodes now
             also.  Counting nodes and quiescent nodes together now shows
             a dramatically bigger nps (20k vs 100k and beyond) which is
             most likely due to the more proper quiescent search...  Even
             in normal search, and without the same-side-move ply bloat,
             I am getting better depth in the search, 2-3 ply or so.
2010-05-24 - Wrote a pdn loader and auto-mover, allowing potential automatic
             play as well as a crude way to link to other interfaces
2010-05-24 - Wrote a forcing move checker for "true" quiescent search and
             found out what is evident upon a cursory reflection of the
             nature of the game -- even at ply 1, every move has a responce
             that is not quiescent!  Either a take or forcing move!  So to
             avoid this ply bloat, let's only check one level of forcing
2010-05-25 - Basic hash implemented (2010-10-14 update - it still 
             doesn't work...)
2010-05-26 - Implemented follow pv for the root ply at the least, this
             speeds the search up significantly, maybe 10%-40% ...?
2010-05-26 - Realised that pawn moves from 7th rank should be considered
             during quiescence search.  Follow PV is a bit whacky right now
             but better to focus on proper hash usage during search which
             will make follow PV a bit obsolete.  Also - follow PV currently
             does not work between separate iterative deepenings, at least
             I don't think...
2010-05-27 - Implemented (jacked) some basic hash usage in the search which
             seems to work, if not for the odd kooky value returned from
             the search, e.g. 0, 0.1, 4.41!, 0, 0.2, 0, etc..  Also tried out
             delta pruning for quiescence and in one ply it halved the nodes
             which is also weird :X
2010-05-28 - Made the web frontend playable... played a couple of actual
             games and noticed that with hash on, the search was totally
             messed up :)
2010-06-03 - Read up a little bit on optimization, put in &1 instead of %2
             in just two places in pawn moves and got a consistent increase
             of about .05 seconds during a 3 second search :X maybe it will
             be more significant if all the code is "smarter" this way.
             Anyways I will probably rewrite this using bitboards (already
             have a basic thingy working from some experiment a long time
2010-06-14 - Came back from vacation, and played a game of the new gnt engine
             versus the old one expecting a total massacre.  Discovered some
             peculiar bug(s) in the search instead, it appears to be cutting
             off winning sequences...
2010-06-16 - Rewrote the search instead of using the chess approach of a
             basic search with ply-1 and a separate quiesce search with ply+1
             now it is just one search with ply+1 (easier to "read") and
             various things can increase this depth.
2010-06-17 - Tested with the new search, and found a bug which actually had
             to do w the piece-meal moves.  The window was not being properly
             maintained.  However, with some extra things toggled on, perft
             is now 2x as slow.  There are definitely many ways to speed up
             the code, just from the C perspective, and then of course the
             algorithms can be better.
2010-06-18 - Removed check for forcing (gaining back the 2x slowdown) and
             the extra ply from this seemed to make the engine even
             stronger (at least, able to beat its previous version)  Made
             a tarball and so I think I'm finally ready to face off vs
             Chris again :)
2010-07-01 - Played some more games vs Chris yesterday, and realized how to
             better avoid some things.  Also fixed a bug yesterday and have
             some actual things to work on...
2010-07-06 - Some slight/trivial but significant improvements to endgame
             play (simply valuing the edges for kings) and also another small
             improvement for king+pawn vs king promotions, not yet tested...
2010-08-03 - Lost another endgame to Chris the other day, and after talking
             a bit with the owner of k4it.de nalimov online browser, I fixed
             some previous calculations and realised bitbase approach is more
             feasible than I thought, so I started coding that
2010-08-04 - Uploaded the project to google code, looks better than sf.net,
             at least to my liking, made real headway with the bitbases
2010-08-05 - Basic bitbase code is working, now just need to write a front
             end browser for the data and dramatically speed up the initial
             generation of the bitbase, particularly 3-piece and up :)
2010-08-17 - Some basic interface to bitbases.  Note, currently, the actual
             engine is not querying the bitbases during think/search, as I
             have not yet verified the result bitbase data makes any sense
             or not :)
2010-08-18 - Opening book code, just out of interest to easily make an book
             of opening moves to make starting games faster
2010-08-19 - Worked enough of the bugs out of the book code to make it work
             and generated some basic opening book moves by just setting the
             engine to think for an hour :)
2010-08-20 - Added a bit to automatically generate a mirrored version of the
             opening book line.  Also smartified book move selection so the
             moves which appear in more than one line are not more likely
             to be seleted than moves which appear in only one line
2010-08-24 - Created an automatic opening book generator which, given a book
             of initial moves, creates consequitive move for the next ply
2010-08-26 - Ran the book generator overnight a couple times and got 4-ply
             and some 5-ply lines, realised that I can speed this up with
             sort | uniq as well :)
2010-08-30 - Played two games with Chris yesterday, both draws, although
             gnt seemed to play a blunder (need to analyse...) which we
             decided to overrule.  Looked at some graphs from kcachegrind
             and realised that qsort was a major bottleneck, ganked some
             insertion code from the interwebs, but after getting it to
             work right, the nps did not improve at all, if only to become
             slower :( (tried bubble sort too but it was even slower)
             Also changed the order of move sort tiebreaks, not sure if
             this speeds it up or not
2010-08-31 - After floundering around a bit with various sorting ideas, I
             realized that I could just have different moves arrays for
             the three or four different types of moves that I have sorted
             out there, so instead of sorting something like 0,0,0,1,1,1,1
             I could instead have an array of all 0,0,0 and an array of
             all 1,1,1,1
2010-09-09 - Tried to get transposition table to work again, as that is
             another area where I should be able to get significant
             speed-up, not in nps, but in a more streamlined search tree
             Now the issue I think is saving exact values and the next
             ply we are still looking at the exacts...  And yet this is
             what most pseudocode out there suggests, but in practice it
             seems to clearly be wrong.  Also, not yet implemented is the
             best move for each hash entry, which is supposed to make the
             real difference.  Also iterative deepening last best move
             was given a go some months ago but is currently disabled as
             I couldn't get it to work...
2010-09-30 - Fixed some basic issue with segfaulting (cause by book load
             overflowing the internal book storage) and realized that one
             important improvement would be avoiding draw such as making
             repeating moves when alternate moves of similar quality are
2011-10-18 - For the past month or so, I've been working on a better web
             front-end, and, perhaps more importantly, endgame tablebases.
             The latter I ended up doing backwards, by trial and error,
             and in a general bone-headed way.  But eventually I got them
             to work :D  I started with a wld approach thinking it would
             be the only one feasible with a small space footprint (I am
             too lazy to muck around with mirroring and such, which, BTW,
             would be of great benefit so perhaps that's next) and then
             developed a dtm approach; in the process I actually learned
             the endgame principle for this game :)  The effort was a
             couple of hours per week, maybe more than that; I have never
             done retrograde analysis before.  The 3-piece DTM weighs in
             around ~200MB (again, this can be reduced dramatically by
             just using symmetry principles) but compresses down thanks
             to a LZO library I snagged :)