
LiveAgent API

  • API version: 3.0.0

This page contains complete API documentation for LiveAgent software. To display additional info and examples for specific API method, just click on the method name in the list below.

To be able to make API requests you need to generate an API key in your admin panel first. See this article for detailed info.

Additional info about more advanced agent, contact or ticket API filters can be found in this article.

If you have any question or doubts regarding this API, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.

Automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator


Building the API client library requires:

  1. Java 1.7+
  2. Maven/Gradle/SBT


To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:

mvn clean install

To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:

mvn clean deploy

Refer to the OSSRH Guide for more information.

Maven users

Add this dependency to your project's POM:


Gradle users

Add this dependency to your project's build file:

compile "com.liveagent.legacy:api-client:6.18.2"

SBT users

libraryDependencies += "com.liveagent.legacy" % "api-client" % "6.18.2"

Getting Started

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://localhost/api/v3

Class Method HTTP request Description
AgentPhoneApi getAgentPhone GET /agent_phone/{agentId} Gets phone currently used by agent (use me as agentId for self)
AgentPhoneApi setAgentPhone PUT /agent_phone/{agentId} Sets phone currently used by agent (use me as agentId for self)
AgentsApi convertRegisteredVisitor POST /agents/convert Convert registered visitor
AgentsApi deleteAgent DELETE /agents/{userId} Agent
AgentsApi getAgent GET /agents/{userId} Agent
AgentsApi getAgentByEmail POST /agents/_by_email Agent
AgentsApi getAgentStatuses GET /agents/{userId}/status Get agent statuses in departments
AgentsApi getAgents GET /agents/ Agent list
AgentsApi getAgentsActivity GET /agents/activity Agent Activity list
AgentsApi loginAgent POST /agents/{userId}/_login Login agent
AgentsApi logoutAgent POST /agents/{userId}/_logout Logout agent
AgentsApi pauseAgent POST /agents/{userId}/_pause Pause agent
AgentsApi undeleteAgent POST /agents/undelete Undelete agent
AgentsApi updateAgent PUT /agents/{userId} Update agent
ApiApi createApiKeys POST /apikeys Creates api key
ApiApi deleteApiKey DELETE /apikeys/{apikeyId} Deletes api key
ApiApi generateApiKey POST /apikeys/_generate Gets new api keys
ApiApi generateSSOKey POST /sso Generate SSO key
ApiApi getApiInfo GET /api/info/{apiVersion} Gets api info
ApiApi getApiKey GET /apikeys/{apikeyId} Gets api keys
ApiApi getApiKeys GET /apikeys Gets api keys
ApiApi getApiPrivileges GET /api/privileges Gets api privileges
ApiApi getApiV3KeysCount GET /api/v3/count Gets count for api v3 keys
ApiApi getSSOKey GET /sso Get SSO key
ApiApi login POST /apikeys/_login Creates or returns API key from login.
ApiApi updateApiKey PUT /apikeys/{apikeyId} Updates api key
BansApi createBan POST /bans/ Create ban
BansApi excludeIPBan PUT /bans/_exclude Exclude banned IP address
BansApi expireBan POST /bans/{banId}/_expire Expire ban
BansApi getBan GET /bans/{banId} Get ban item
BansApi getBans GET /bans/ Bans list
BansApi updateBan PUT /bans/{banId} Update ban
BillingApi checkVat POST /billing/_check_vat Vat validity
BillingApi getCoupon GET /coupons/{couponCode} Coupon
CallsApi callAddMessage POST /calls/{callId}/messages Adds a message to the call group in corresponding ticket
CallsApi callAddRecording POST /calls/{callId}/recordings Adds a recording to the call group in corresponding ticket
CallsApi callAnswer POST /calls/{callId}/_answer Set call as answered by agent
CallsApi callChangeChannelStatus PUT /calls/{callId}/channels/{channelId}/_status Change channel status
CallsApi callCreate POST /calls/{callId} Create new call
CallsApi callFetchIvr POST /calls/{callId}/_fetchIvr Fetches IVR for the call from external URL
CallsApi callGetStatus GET /calls/{callId}/status Return the status of call
CallsApi callMoveChannel POST /calls/{callId}/channels/{channelId}/_move Moves existing channel to target call
CallsApi callRemoveChannel DELETE /calls/{callId}/channels/{channelId} Removes channel from the call
CallsApi callReroute POST /calls/{callId}/_reroute Let the call ring to another agent
CallsApi callRing POST /calls/{callId}/_ring Let the call ring
CallsApi callStart POST /call/_start Starts new outcoming / internal call
CallsApi callStartCanceled POST /call/_startCanceled Callback that starting call canceled
CallsApi callStartFailed POST /call/_startFailed Callback that starting call failed
CallsApi callStop POST /calls/{callId}/_stop Stops the call
CallsApi callTransfer POST /calls/{callId}/_transfer Transfers call to different department / agent
CallsApi confirmRing POST /calls/{callId}/_confirmRing Confirm that call is ringing
CallsApi dtmfChannel POST /calls/{callId}/channels/{channelId}/_dtmf Send provided DTMF to channel
CallsApi endChannel POST /calls/{callId}/channels/{channelId}/_end End channel
CallsApi getCallsCount GET /calls/count Gets count for calls history
CallsApi getCallsList GET /calls Gets list of calls
CallsApi holdChannel POST /calls/{callId}/channels/{channelId}/_hold Hold channel
CallsApi merge POST /calls/{callId}/_merge Merge two calls
CallsApi muteChannel POST /calls/{callId}/channels/{channelId}/_mute Mute channel
CallsApi stopRing POST /calls/{callId}/_stopRing Stop ringing of call
CallsApi unholdChannel POST /calls/{callId}/channels/{channelId}/_unhold Unhold channel
CallsApi unmuteChannel POST /calls/{callId}/channels/{channelId}/_unmute Unmute channel
CannedMessagesApi createCannedMessage POST /canned_messages Create canned message
CannedMessagesApi deleteCannedMessage DELETE /canned_messages/{cannedMessageId} Canned message
CannedMessagesApi getCannedMessage GET /canned_messages/{cannedMessageId} Gets canned message
CannedMessagesApi getCannedMessagesList GET /canned_messages Gets list of canned messages
CannedMessagesApi updateCannedMessage PUT /canned_messages/{cannedMessageId} Update canned message
ChatsApi getChatsList GET /chats Gets list of chats
CompaniesApi createCompany POST /companies Create new company
CompaniesApi deleteCompany DELETE /companies/{companyId} Delete company
CompaniesApi getCompaniesList GET /companies Gets list of companies
CompaniesApi getSpecificCompany GET /companies/{companyId} Get company by specific id
CompaniesApi registerCompany PUT /companies/{companyId}/_register Register company
CompaniesApi unregisterCompany DELETE /companies/{companyId}/_unregister Unregister company
CompaniesApi updateCompany PUT /companies/{companyId} Update company
ContactPhonesApi getContactPhone GET /contact_phones/{phone} Get contact phone
ContactPhonesApi getContactPhonesList GET /contact_phones Gets list of contact phones
ContactsApi createContact POST /contacts Create new contact
ContactsApi deleteContact DELETE /contacts/{contactId} Delete contact
ContactsApi getContactsList GET /contacts Gets list of contacts
ContactsApi getSpecificContact GET /contacts/{contactId} Get contact by specific id
ContactsApi patchContact PATCH /contacts/{contactId} Update contact partially
ContactsApi registerContact PUT /contacts/{contactId}/_register Register contact
ContactsApi unregisterContact DELETE /contacts/{contactId}/_unregister Unregister contact
ContactsApi updateContact PUT /contacts/{contactId} Update whole contact
CountriesApi getCountries GET /countries/ Country list
CustomButtonsApi createCustomButton POST /custom_buttons Create new custom button
CustomButtonsApi deleteCustomButton DELETE /custom_buttons/{customButtonId} Delete custom button
CustomButtonsApi getCustomButton GET /custom_buttons/{customButtonId} Get custom button by id
CustomButtonsApi getCustomButtonsList GET /custom_buttons Gets list of custom buttons
CustomButtonsApi updateCustomButton PUT /custom_buttons/{customButtonId} Update custom button
DefaultApi ping GET /ping Check that API is responding
DepartmentsApi getDepartmentList GET /departments Gets list of departments
DepartmentsApi getSpecificDepartment GET /departments/{departmentId} Get department by specific id
DepartmentsApi ifAgentIsInDepartment GET /departments/{departmentId}/{agentId} Is agent is department
DepartmentsApi updateDepartmentMailAccount PUT /departments/{departmentId}/mailAccount/{mailAccountId} Update department mail account
DevicesApi createDevice POST /devices Create new device
DevicesApi createDeviceDepartmentPlans POST /devices/{deviceId}/departments/{departmentId}/plans Create device department plans
DevicesApi deleteDevice DELETE /devices/{deviceId} Delete device
DevicesApi deleteDeviceDepartment DELETE /devices/{deviceId}/departments/{departmentId} Delete device department
DevicesApi deleteDeviceDepartmentPlans DELETE /devices/{deviceId}/departments/{departmentId}/plans Delete device department plans
DevicesApi deleteDeviceDepartments DELETE /devices/{deviceId}/departments Delete device departments
DevicesApi getDevice GET /devices/{deviceId} Get device by id
DevicesApi getDeviceDepartment GET /devices/{deviceId}/departments/{departmentId} Get device department by id
DevicesApi getDeviceDepartmentPlan GET /devices/{deviceId}/departments/{departmentId}/plans Get device department plan
DevicesApi getDeviceDepartments GET /devices/{deviceId}/departments Get device departments
DevicesApi getDeviceDepartmentsByDepartmentId GET /devices/departments/{departmentId} Get device departments by department id
DevicesApi getDevicesList GET /devices Gets list of devices
DevicesApi getMyMobileDevicesList GET /devices/app/ Gets list of current agent's mobile devices. Creates new one if there are no devices.
DevicesApi updateDevice PUT /devices/{deviceId} Update device
DevicesApi updateDeviceDepartment PUT /devices/{deviceId}/departments/{departmentId} Update device department
DevicesApi updateDeviceDepartmentPlan PUT /devices/{deviceId}/departments/{departmentId}/plans Update device department plan
DevicesApi updateDeviceDepartments PUT /devices/departments/update Update device departments
ElasticApi getIndexStatus GET /elastic/status Get reindex status
ElasticApi reindex POST /elastic/reindex Reindex selected fields
ElasticApi reindexAll POST /elastic/reindexAll Reindex all fields
ExtensionsApi getExtension GET /extensions/{extensionId} Gets Extension
ExtensionsApi getExtensionsCount GET /extensions/count Gets count for extensions
ExtensionsApi getExtensionsList GET /extensions Gets list of extensions
ExtensionsApi setExtension PUT /extensions/{extensionId} Set extension
FilesApi uploadFile POST /files Upload new file to the system
FiltersApi createFilter POST /filters/ Create filter
FiltersApi deleteFilter DELETE /filters/{filterId} Delete filter
FiltersApi getFilter GET /filters/{filterId} Get filter
FiltersApi getFilters GET /filters/ Filters list
FiltersApi updateFilter PUT /filters/{filterId} Update filter
GridApi getAgentsGridList GET /grid/agents Gets list of agents for grid
GridApi getAgentsGridListCount GET /grid/agents/count Gets count of agents for agents grid
GridApi getCallsSlaLogGridList GET /grid/calls/sla Gets list of call slas for grid
GridApi getCallsSlaLogGridListCount GET /grid/calls/sla/count Gets count of calls for tickets sla grid
GridApi getChatsGridList GET /grid/chats Gets list of chats for chats grid
GridApi getChatsGridListCount GET /grid/chats/count Gets count of chats for chats grid
GridApi getChatsSlaLogGridList GET /grid/chats/sla Gets list of chat slas for grid
GridApi getChatsSlaLogGridListCount GET /grid/chats/sla/count Gets count of chats for chats sla grid
GridApi getDepartmensGridListCount GET /grid/departments/count Gets count of departments for department grid
GridApi getDepartmentsGridList GET /grid/departments Gets list of departments for grid
GridApi getEventLogsGridList GET /grid/eventlogs Gets list of event logs for grid
GridApi getEventLogsGridListCount GET /grid/eventlogs/count Gets count of logs for event logs grid
GridApi getTagsGridList GET /grid/tags Gets list of tags for grid
GridApi getTagsGridListCount GET /grid/tags/count Gets count of tags for tags grid
GridApi getTicketsGridList GET /grid/tickets Gets list of tickets for tickets grid
GridApi getTicketsGridListCount GET /grid/tickets/count Gets count of tickets for tickets grid
GridApi getTicketsSlaLogGridList GET /grid/tickets/sla Gets list of ticket slas for grid
GridApi getTicketsSlaLogGridListCount GET /grid/tickets/sla/count Gets count of tickets for tickets sla grid
GridApi getTimeReportsGridList GET /grid/reports/time Gets list of reports for time reports grid
GridApi getTimeReportsGridListCount GET /grid/reports/time/count Gets count of time reporst grid
GroupsApi createGroup POST /groups Create contact group
GroupsApi deleteGroup DELETE /groups/{groupId} Delete contact group
GroupsApi getGroupById GET /groups/{groupId} Get contact group by group id
GroupsApi getGroupsList GET /groups Gets list of contact groups
GroupsApi updateGroup PUT /groups/{groupId} Update contact group
HostingApi getInfo GET /hosting/info Used hosting system info
InvoicesApi dowloadInvoice POST /invoices/{invoiceNumber}/_download Download invoice
InvoicesApi getInvoices GET /invoices/ Invoice list
MailAccountApi getMailAccount GET /mail_accounts/{mailAccountId} Gets mail account
MailAccountApi getMailAccountByEmailAddress POST /mail_accounts/_by_email Gets mail account by email address
MailAccountApi getMailAccountList GET /mail_accounts Gets list of mail accounts
MessagesApi getMessage GET /messages/{messageId} Get message
MicroservicesApi getAgentNames POST /agent_names Agent names
MicroservicesApi getDepartmentNames POST /department_names Department names
MicroservicesApi getDepartments GET /principal/{principalId}/departments Get principal departments
MicroservicesApi getRole GET /principal/{principalId}/role Get principal role
MicroservicesApi resolveBrowser POST /principal/resolveBrowser Resolve browser
MicroservicesApi resolveUserIdFromApiKey POST /principal/resolveUserIdFromApiKey Get user id from apikey
MicroservicesApi resolveUserIdFromSession POST /principal/resolveUserIdFromSession Get user id from session
MicroservicesApi resolveUserIdFromVisitorId POST /principal/resolveUserIdFromVisitorId Get user id from visitor id
MicroservicesApi resolveVisitor POST /principal/resolveVisitor Resolve visitor
MicroservicesApi validateCredentials POST /principal/validateCredentials Validate principal credentials
MicroservicesGmailApi activateGmailAccount POST /gmail_accounts/{gmailAccountId}/_activate
MicroservicesGmailApi createGmailAccount POST /gmail_accounts/{gmailAccountId}
MicroservicesGmailApi deactivateGmailAccount POST /gmail_accounts/{gmailAccountId}/_deactivate
MicroservicesGmailApi deleteGmailAccount DELETE /gmail_accounts/{gmailAccountId}
MicroservicesGmailApi rejectGmailAccount POST /gmail_accounts/{gmailAccountId}/_reject
MicroservicesGmailApi updateGmailAccount PUT /gmail_accounts/{gmailAccountId}
MicroservicesGmailApi updateGmailAccountDepartment POST /gmail_accounts/{gmailAccountId}/_change_department
PageVisitsApi getPageVisitByContactId GET /page_visits/{contactId}/contact Gets a page visits
PhoneNumbersApi addNumber POST /phone_numbers Add new number
PhoneNumbersApi getAvailablePrefix GET /phone_numbers/availablePrefix Gets available dial out prefix
PhoneNumbersApi getPhoneNumber GET /phone_numbers/{phoneNumberId} Gets phone number
PhoneNumbersApi getPhoneNumbersList GET /phone_numbers Gets list of available phone numbers
PhoneNumbersApi removePhoneNumber DELETE /phone_numbers/{phoneNumberId} Remove phone number
PhoneNumbersApi updatePhoneNumber PUT /phone_numbers/{phoneNumberId} Update phone number
PhoneNumbersApi updatePhoneNumberStatus PUT /phone_numbers/{phoneNumberId}/status Update phone number status
PhonesApi createPhone POST /phones Creates external phone
PhonesApi getPhone GET /phones/{phoneId} Gets phone device (use app for LiveAgent Phone app device and web for web device)
PhonesApi getPhonesList GET /phones Gets list of available phone devices. Special filters (userId - filter phones available for specified user only)
PhonesApi removePhone DELETE /phones/{phoneId} Remove phone
PhonesApi updatePhone PUT /phones/{phoneId} Update phone
PhonesApi updatePhoneParams PUT /phones/{phoneId}/_updateParams Update phone params
PredefinedAnswersApi createPredefinedAnswer POST /predefined_answers Create predefined answer
PredefinedAnswersApi deletePredefinedAnswer DELETE /predefined_answers/{predefinedAnswerId} Predefined answer
PredefinedAnswersApi getPredefinedAnswer GET /predefined_answers/{predefinedAnswerId} Gets canned message
PredefinedAnswersApi getPredefinedAnswersList GET /predefined_answers Gets list of predefined answers
PredefinedAnswersApi updatePredefinedAnswer PUT /predefined_answers/{predefinedAnswerId} Update predefined answer
QueueApi getQueueBatch GET /queue/batch/{batchId} Retrieves the batch status and remaining items to process
SettingsApi getSettings GET /settings Gets settings list
SlackApi getConversation GET /slack/conversation/{id} Gets info about Slack workspace channel
SlackApi getConversations GET /slack/conversations Gets Slack workspace channels
SlackApi getSlackUser GET /slack/user/{id} Gets info about Slack user
SlackApi getTemplate GET /slack/template/{id} Get Slack template
SlackApi getTemplates GET /slack/templates/ Gets Slack notification templates
SlackApi getUsers GET /slack/users Gets Slack users in workspace
SlackApi saveTemplate PUT /slack/template/{id} Save Slack template
SlasApi getSla GET /slas/{levelId} Gets sla
SlasApi getSlaTicketHistory GET /slas/{ticketId}/history Gets ticket sla history
SlasApi getSlasList GET /slas Gets list of slas
SubscriptionsApi changeAddons PUT /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/addons/ Addon change
SubscriptionsApi changePlan POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/_upgrade Change plan
SubscriptionsApi getActiveAddons GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/addons/ Addon list
SubscriptionsApi getBillingInfo GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/billingInfo Billing info
SubscriptionsApi getBillingMetrics GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/billingMetrics Billing metrics
SubscriptionsApi getBillingStatus GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/billingStatus Billing status
SubscriptionsApi getDomainInfo GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/domain Domain info
SubscriptionsApi getPaymentMethod GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/paymentMethod Payment method
SubscriptionsApi getPaymentProcessor GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/paymentProcessor Payment processor
SubscriptionsApi getSubscription GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId} Subscription
SubscriptionsApi getSubscriptionAttributes GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/attributes/ Subscription attribute list
SubscriptionsApi getSubscriptionDiscounts GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/discounts Subscription discounts
SubscriptionsApi getSubscriptionInvoices GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/invoices/ Subscription invoice list
SubscriptionsApi getUpgradeVariations GET /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/upgradeVariations Upgrade variation list
SubscriptionsApi resumeBilling POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/_cancelStop Restart billing
SubscriptionsApi setBillingInfo PUT /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/billingInfo Billing info
SubscriptionsApi setCustomDomain PUT /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/domain Custom domain
SubscriptionsApi setPaymentMethod PUT /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/paymentMethod Payment method
SubscriptionsApi setSubscriptionUsage PUT /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/usage Subscription usage
SubscriptionsApi stopBilling POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/_stop Stop billing
SubscriptionsApi updateApplication POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/_update Update subscription
SubscriptionsApi validateBillingInfo POST /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/_validateBillingInfo Test Billing info
TagsApi createTag POST /tags Create tag
TagsApi deleteTag DELETE /tags/{tagId} Delete tag
TagsApi getTagById GET /tags/{tagId} Get tag by tag id
TagsApi getTagsList GET /tags Gets list of tags
TagsApi updateTag PUT /tags/{tagId} Update tag
TicketsApi createTicket POST /tickets Create ticket
TicketsApi deleteTicket DELETE /tickets/{ticketId} Deletes ticket
TicketsApi getTicket GET /tickets/{ticketId} Gets ticket
TicketsApi getTicketAttribute GET /tickets/{ticketId}/attributes/{attributeName} Gets ticket attribute
TicketsApi getTicketHistory GET /tickets/history Gets ticket
TicketsApi getTicketHistoryCount GET /tickets/history/count Gets count for ticket history
TicketsApi getTicketHistory_0 GET /tickets/{ticketId}/history Gets ticket history
TicketsApi getTicketMessageGroups GET /tickets/{ticketId}/messages Gets ticket message groups and messages
TicketsApi getTicketSla GET /tickets/{ticketId}/sla Gets ticket Sla
TicketsApi getTicketsList GET /tickets Gets list of tickets
TicketsApi setTicketAttribute PUT /tickets/{ticketId}/attributes/{attributeName} Sets ticket attribute
TicketsApi setTicketPostpone PUT /tickets/{ticketId}/postpone Sets postpone status to ticket
TicketsApi updateTicket PUT /tickets/{ticketId} Updates ticket
TokenApi getAccessToken GET /token Access token
UserApi getUser GET /users/{userId} User
VariationsApi getVariation GET /variations/{variationId} Variation
ViberApi changeStatus PUT /viber_accounts/{accountId}/status Update Viber account status
ViberApi connectAccount POST /viber_accounts Connect Viber account
ViberApi disconnect DELETE /viber_accounts/{accountId} Disconnect Viber account
ViberApi get GET /viber_accounts/{accountId} Get Viber account
ViberApi getAccounts GET /viber_accounts Gets Viber accounts
ViberApi getAccountsCount GET /viber_accounts/count Gets count for Viber accounts
ViberApi update PUT /viber_accounts/{accountId} Update Viber account

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: apikey
  • Location: HTTP header

