
MyGrades App in course iOS Programming by Chris Weber

Primary LanguageSwift


MyGrades App in course iOS Programming by Chris Weber


  • login with BFH-Account into https://is-a.bfh.ch
  • see an overview of all semesters by logged in student
  • see details of each semester, including grade and color representation (green=passed, red=failed, yellow=not yet graded)
  • see statistics over all modul groups A, B, C & D
  • app is optimised for Medizininformatik modules


You have to login with your student account and password.

overview of all semesters

You can see all semesters with details on how many courses you visited and how many ects-points you scored alt tag

detail of one semester

You can see the details of one semster, green cells = passed, red cells = failed, gray cells = upcoming/not graded alt tag alt tag alt tag


You see hown many ects points you have scored during your study. alt tag