This is a weather forecast application, using Fake data, developed according to the 4th Week of Android Dev Challenges with Jetpack Compose.
- Android Studio Artic Fox | 2020.3.1 Canary 15
- Gradle 7.0
I love Android development, honestly. Since Jetpack Compose is a totally different way of thinking in terms of UI building, I decided to take these weekly Android Dev Challenges, as a way to enter in its world.
So... Paulo is from Portugal and he's 23 years old. He has around 3y and half of work experience as an Android Developer, and has a lot of fun programming in Kotlin! He's also certified by Google as an Associate Android Developer and a Android Tech Editor at Raywenderlich. He is a person with good communication skills, easily adaptive to new environments and teams, and a little addicted to learning and self-improvement.
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