- Dinh Quang Duong - 21520751@gm.uit.edu.vn - Github
- Ngo Quang Khai - 21520953@gm.uit.edu.vn - Github
- Nguyen Cong Hoan - hoannc@uit.edu.vn
Genesis is a sample microservice codebase built for our Project 1 at UIT. This project includes most common patterns in MSA, especially:
- Saga
- CQRS (query service) You can see our report here
We implement a basic saga flow Create order for demo.
Create order operation can be represented by statemachine diagram so we use Spring Statemachine as saga orchestration
- Java 17
- Spring Boot 3: Authorization Server (OAuth 2), Statemachine ...
- Spring Cloud Gateway, Open Feign, Stream ...
- Elastic stack: Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana, Filebeat
- Hashicorp stack: Vault, Consul
- Grafana stack: Prometheus, Grafana
- Zipkin
- Redis
Create network
docker network create -d bridge genesis-network
Run infra
docker compose -f docker-compose.infra.yml up -d
Enable consul acl
docker exec -it genesis-infra-consul consul acl bootstrap
Remember the SecretID printed on the command line. It is your consul token.
docker exec -it genesis-infra-consul sh
Access the Vault dashboard at localhost:8200
For the first time, Vault required you provide the number of Key shares and Key threshold.
For simplicity, just enter 1 and click Initialize.
Vault will provide you 2 keys. The Initial root token is the key for authentication when you login to vault dashboard and
when the service tries to fetch secret from it. The second key is for unsealing vault.
Access the vault dashboard by the key has been generated, choose Secrets Engines then click Enable new engine. Choose KV, set path is genesis and click Enable Engine. Now you have to create secret for each service, click Create secret. For example with auth-service, enter auth-service/dev for field Path for this secret. You can enable the Json above and paste this as Secret data
"CONSUL_HOST": "localhost",
"CONSUL_PORT": "8500",
"CONSUL_TOKEN": "200274eb-bdf5-3324-d065-28ecd61ff8be",
"DB_HOST": "",
"DB_PASSWORD": "123456",
"DB_PORT": "5432",
"DB_USERNAME": "quangduong",
"RABBITMQ_PORT": "5672",
"RABBITMQ_USERNAME": "quangduong",
"ZIPKIN_HOST": "localhost",
"ZIPKIN_PORT": "9411"
For production environment, create auth-service/prod
"CONSUL_HOST": "genesis-ìnfra-consul",
"CONSUL_PORT": "8500",
"CONSUL_TOKEN": "200274eb-bdf5-3324-d065-28ecd61ff8be",
"DB_HOST": "",
"DB_PASSWORD": "123456",
"DB_PORT": "5432",
"DB_USERNAME": "quangduong",
"RABBITMQ_PORT": "5672",
"RABBITMQ_USERNAME": "quangduong",
"ZIPKIN_HOST": "genesis-ìnfra-zipkin",
"ZIPKIN_PORT": "9411"
NOTE: You have to change the value depend on your system.
Identify all env variable in application.yml file and do the same with other services.
At root folder, run this command to build jar files
./mvnw clean install -DskipTests
Run all services
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d