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👨‍💻 Programming languages

MIPS Assembly Bash C C++ C# Ceylon CSS Dart Google Apps Script HTML Java JavaScript LaTeX Kotlin NodeJS Markdown PHP Prolog Python Ruby SASS Scratch SQL SVG+XML TypeScript

🧰 Frameworks and libraries

Arduino Cordova Electron Express.js Flutter GitHub Actions JUnit Keras Material Design NumPy Pandas PHPUnit Pytest React SonarLint Symfony SymPy TensorFlow Wordpress WPF (.Net)

🗄️ Databases and cloud hosting

GitHub Pages Heroku MongoDB MySQL Notion Oracle PostgreSQL Repl.it SQLite Vercel

💻 Software and tools

Adobe Android Studio Android Arch Linux Audacity Bitwarden Brave Codepen Construct 3 Dark Reader Git Google Sheets Inkscape Jupyter Mathematica OBS Studio Photopea Postman Stack Overflow Visual Studio Code

📺 Latest YouTube videos

Keeping your dependencies updated automatically with Dependabot Creating Cogs and Commands - Python Discord Bot [Part 3] How to Host a Discord Bot 24/7 for FREE [Part 2] Building a Discord Bot with Python - Bot Basics [Part 1] How to Bulk Rename Files Easily on Windows Getting the user's location with JavaScript (Geolocation API tutorial)

📊 Github stats

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Note: Top languages is only a metric of the languages my public code consists of and doesn't reflect experience or skill level.
⚡ Recent GitHub Activity
  1. 🎉 Merged PR #219 in DenverCoder1/jct-discord-bot
  2. 🎉 Merged PR #4 in DenverCoder1/dev-pro-tips-bot
  3. 💪 Opened PR #4 in DenverCoder1/dev-pro-tips-bot
  4. 🎉 Merged PR #18 in DenverCoder1/LaTeX-Gboard-Dictionary
  5. 🗣 Commented on #18 in DenverCoder1/LaTeX-Gboard-Dictionary

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