
Nuxtjs & Wagtail - A initial environment of full-stack web app with wagtail postgres for backend and nuxtjs vue for frontend, run with docker-compose

Primary LanguagePython

Base site - full stack

A initial environment of full-stack web app with wagtail postgres for backend and nuxtjs vue for frontend, run with docker-compose

Build with:

- django: v.3.0.3
- wagtail: v.2.8
- postgres: 11
- nuxjs: v.2.11.0
- docker

Run app:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

backend cms:

user: admin
password: changeme



Recommended to get api from backend with nuxtjs plugin ~/plugins/axios not only axios:

import axios from '~/plugins/axios'
const {data} = await axios.get('/api/v2/pages/?slug=home');

Run command inside container:

  • Backend example: docker-compose run backend python manage.py

  • Fontend example: docker-compose run --no-deps frontend npm -v

  • Access database:

    • docker exec -it nuxtjs_wagtail_db_1 /bin/bash : nuxtjs_wagtail_db_1 is container name
    • then psql -U postgres - postgres is user defined in DATABASES of backend/backend/settings/base.py