Hi there, I'm Khuong - aka khuongmi

About Me:

LinkedIn FaceBook

I'm a Student, Programmer!!!

  • 🔭 I just launched my first simple website using Django: My First Website!
  • 🌱 I’m currently learning everything 🤣
  • 🥅 2021 Goals: Learn more about Backend stuffs
  • ⚡ Fun fact: I love to listen to music and sing
  • :octocat: Try to build and push more cool things on GitHub
  • 🎓 Try to build career in IT field
  • :shipit: I also love sharing account that I can create

GitHub Stats Visualization

My coding workspace 💻 📱

IoS Apple

Spotify Playing 🎧 🎶 🎵


Connect with me:

Khuong | FaceBook Khuong | YouTube Khuong | LinkedIn Khuong | Instagram Khuong | Hackerrank Khuong | Leetcode Khuong | Spotify

Languages and Tools:

Here are some tools that I familiar with 👇 👇 👇

Python HTML SASS JavaScript Java Markdown Angular MySQL Material UI Spring

Reading Blogs 📰

Medium Dev.to RSS StackOverFlow

⚡ GitHub Stats


More detail about my GitHub 🎉

minhkhuong2404's GitHub Stats

GitHub Activity Graph

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