ChatRWKV is like ChatGPT but powered by RWKV (100% RNN) language model, and open source.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


ChatRWKV is like ChatGPT but powered by my RWKV (100% RNN) language model, which is the only RNN (as of now) that can match transformers in quality and scaling, while being faster and saves VRAM. Training sponsored by Stability EleutherAI :)

Please upgrade to latest code. Got a bug in computation in earlier version.

Download RWKV-4 weights: https://huggingface.co/BlinkDL (Use RWKV-4 models. DO NOT use RWKV-4a and RWKV-4b models.)

RWKV LM: https://github.com/BlinkDL/RWKV-LM (explanation, fine-tuning, training, etc.)

RWKV Discord: https://discord.gg/bDSBUMeFpc (let's build together)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BlinkDL_AI

Demo: https://huggingface.co/spaces/yahma/rwkv-14b

Cool Community RWKV Projects:

https://pypi.org/project/rwkvstic/ Easy pip package (with 8bit & offload for low VRAM GPUs)

https://github.com/gururise/rwkv_gradio RWKV Gradio

https://github.com/hizkifw/WebChatRWKVstic WebUI (WIP)


It is not instruct-tuned for conversation yet, so don't directly ask it to do stuffs (unless it's a simple question).

For "Instruct-test1" RWKV-4 models (available in 1B5/3B/7B https://huggingface.co/BlinkDL, check https://huggingface.co/datasets/bigscience/xP3all/viewer/en/train for prompt examples):

+gen \nQ: prompt\n\nA:

For all RWKV-4 models, some great Q&A prompts:

+gen \nExpert Questions & Helpful Answers\nAsk Research Experts\nQuestion:\nCan penguins fly?\n\nFull Answer:\n

+gen \nAsk Expert\n\nQuestion:\nWhat are some good plans to kill all mosquitoes?\n\nExpert Full Answer:\n

+gen \nQ & A\n\nQuestion:\nHow's the weather of Mars?\n\nDetailed Expert Answer:\n

Other examples:

+gen Here is a short story in which Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates fight in a tournament:

+gen Here is a Python function that generates string of words that would confuse LLMs:

+gen List of penguin facts:\n1.

+qa Can penguins fly?

+gen $ curl -i https://google.com/

+gen The following is the contents of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet:

+gen Bob's Blog - Which is better, iOS or Android?

+gen Here is a shell script which will find all .hpp files in /home/workspace and delete the 3th row string of these files:



QQ群 143626394(加入时请简单自我介绍)(马上满了,新人加二群 553456870)。有研发能力的朋友加群 325154699。

在 chat.py 修改 CHAT_LANG 为 Chinese,修改 MODEL_NAME 为你下载的模型路径。

必须下载双语模型(EngChn),选最新的,目前最新是 test4 系列。最新推出 testNovel 系列网文模型,适合 +gen 写网文。

大模型:7B 参数,需 14G 显存,效果好(以后可以优化显存占用和速度,但现在忙): https://huggingface.co/BlinkDL/rwkv-4-pile-7b/tree/main

中模型:3B 参数,需 6G 显存,效果中等: https://huggingface.co/BlinkDL/rwkv-4-pile-3b/tree/main

小模型:1.5B 参数 ,需 3G 显存,效果差些: https://huggingface.co/BlinkDL/rwkv-4-pile-1b5/tree/main

如果没显卡,或者显存不够,可以用 cpu 模式(很慢)。


【网文模型 testNovel,试试下列指令】
+gen 这是一颗
+gen 以下是不朽的科幻史诗长篇巨著,描写细腻,刻画了数百位个性鲜明的英雄和宏大的星际文明战争,情节曲折离奇,充满悬疑氛围,草蛇灰线,当谜底揭开,时而令人惊为天人,时而令人扼腕叹息。\n第一章
+gen 这是一个修真世界,详细世界设定如下:\n1.
【问答模型 test4,试试下列指令】
+gen \n活动出席发言稿:\n大家好,
+gen \n怎样创立一家快速盈利的AI公司:\n1.
+gen 二向箔是一种超级武器,它的原理是
+gen 我抬头一看,竟然是
+gen import torch
+qq 请以《我的驴》为题写一篇作文
+qq 请以《企鹅》为题写一首诗歌
+qq 请设定一个奇幻世界,告诉我详细的世界设定。
+gen \nExpert Questions & Helpful Answers\nAsk Research Experts\nQuestion:\n猫会编程吗?\n\nFull Answer:\n
+gen \nAsk Expert\n\nQuestion:\n猫会编程吗?\n\nExpert Full Answer:\n
+qa 奶茶好喝吗?
+qa 猫喜欢做什么?
+qa How can I learn Python?
+qa 猫会编程吗?
+qa 知乎大V有哪些特点?


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