
My Pioneer VSX-1123 Remote Access and Control

Primary LanguageC#


My VSX-1123 Remote Access and Control.

I want to control it with my RaspberryPi and automatically turn it on/off and set the volume when I change the input.

Install as Daemon

Source: http://pmcgrath.net/running-a-simple-dotnet-core-linux-daemon

  • Create SystemD service file

Will run the application from the bin sub directory for now

cat > piopi.service <<EOF [Unit] Description=PioPi service After=network.target

[Service] ExecStart=/usr/bin/dotnet /home/bem/Projects/BeM_Apps/PioPi/bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.0/PioPi.dll Restart=on-failure

[Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF

Configure SystemD so it is aware of the new service

  • Copy service file to a System location sudo cp piopi.service /lib/systemd/system

  • Reload SystemD and enable the service, so it will restart on reboots sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable piopi

  • Start service sudo systemctl start piopi

  • View service status systemctl status piopi

Tail the service log

Since we are just writing to stdout the output can be examined with journalctl

sudo journalctl --unit piopi --follow

Stopping and restarting the service

  • Stop service sudo systemctl stop dnsvc systemctl status dnsvc

  • Restart the service sudo systemctl start dnsvc systemctl status dnsvc

Cleaning up

  • Ensure service is stopped sudo systemctl stop dnsvc

  • Disable sudo systemctl disable dnsvc

  • Remove and reload SystemD sudo rm dnsvc.service /lib/systemd/system/dnsvc.service sudo systemctl daemon-reload

  • Verify SystemD is no longer aware of the service - Empty is what we want here systemctl --type service |& grep dnsvc