If you would like to see it in action it is deployed on empa.xyz. Please note that I lack inspiration and this website is very empty.
The style sheet for this website is based on the very beautiful Nord color palette.
The source code for this website is very simple and could be easily adapted to fit your needs.
When deploying this I recommend using a reverse proxy, like nginx, to add caching headers for instance. I personally add cache headers to cache the static content in the res directory.
To run the website I use a virtual environment. To create the virtual environment I run the following lines in my shell.
$ python -m venv .venv
$ source .venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ deactivate
After creating the virtual environment the server can be started with the following command.
$ .venv/bin/python app.py
Please note that this is not recommended for production, as stated by flask when the server is started. For production I recommend generating static content and serving it with a webserver such as nginx or hosting it with docker.
To generate static content simply run make freeze
from within your python
environment. This will generate a directory called build
that contains all
web pages and resources.
When I use docker I most often use Docker Compose. A Dockerfile and a Docker Compose configuration is provided in this repository.