
Primary LanguagePython


Nothing just a simple chat application

This may help you setup your own chat server though well this is more of concerned to be a school project but still can be used to create a private chat server(to be more precise a very simple chat server) and ofcourse the DataBase is mine and you can create yours too by going to mongoDB and then creating your free account and get you connection link and replace "mongodb+srv://test:@chat-app.pa6mb.mongodb.net/test?retryWrites=true&w=majority" with your own connection link in the line 9 in the DB.py file and if you want to deploy this over WAN then you may have to install ngrok and run it for http service on the port 5000 and then you can deploy it over WAN and share the link given given by the ngrok to your friends or whoever you want ;)

just run the main.py file and

yay you are ready to deploy the chat server :D