
A collection of reusable JavaScript utilities for Quartz products.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Quartz JavaScript utilities

npm version

A collection of reusable JavaScript utilities for Quartz products, with optional TypeScript support.

All functions are written in TypeScript and transpiled into ES2017 JavaScript (with type definitions).


npm i @quartz/js-utils


Import functions from the js-utils package, e.g.

import { arrayFromRange, resizeWPImage } from '@quartz/js-utils'

TypeScript hints are available if the file into which the functions are imported is a .ts or .tsx file.


Functions must be written in TypeScript whenever possible.

Export one function per file with a test suite (.test.js).

Before opening a pull request

  • Export any new functions to src/index.ts
  • Add a test suite for any new functions
  • Ensure tests pass (npm t)
  • Increment the package.json version using npm version


Use npm publish to publish the package to npm. TypeScript will be built on publish (via npm run build).