💻 Web Development Client Environment

Primary LanguageHTML

Web Development Client Environment Projects

This repository contains the projects of Web Development Client Environment, Interface Design and Interface Development, these projects cover the basic concepts of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Vue.js Framework:

Project Name Date Description
📈 P1-CoinMarket 2022-10-XX Currency interface design
🖼️ P2-PhotoGallery 2022-11-XX Photography Gallery interface design
🟧 P3-MulticolorBoard 2023-03-XX Basic javascript with events
🎨 P4-DrawingBoard 2023-03-XX Board to draw in web browser
👩‍💼 P5-EmployeeManagement 2023-03-XX Employee management with JS
👨‍💼 P6-EmployeeManagement (Vue) 2023-04-XX Employee management with Vue.js