
Fully functional gulpfile.js implementation. Tailored for Single Page Application. Written in TypeScript

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


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I just want to use gulpfile.js

  1. Install simplr-gulp in your project:
npm install simplr-gulp --save-dev
  1. Create gulpfile.js in your project root directory:
  1. Start command:
gulp -T

Which will show all available commands.

All directories, server and live-reload settings are configured in gulpconfig.json.

After first run, gulpconfig.json file will be generated for you to edit for your own use.


Available commands

Gulp tasks

  • default - start Watch task with server.

  • Build - compiles source files with development environment (starts all Build.* subtasks)

    • Build.Assets - copies all assets folders and their contents from source to build directory
    • Build.Configs - copies configs folder from source to build directory with jspm environment
      • Build.Configs.Files - copy jspm.config.js file from source to build directory with production environment (production only)
      • Build.Configs.Folders - copies configs folder from source to build directory
    • Build.Html - copies all *.html files from source to build directory
    • Build.Scripts - compiles TypeScript with sourcemap from source to build directory
      • Build.Scripts.Typescript - compiles TypeScript with sourcemap from source to build directory
      • Build.Scripts.Tslint - check for tslint warnings
    • Build.Styles - compiles *.scss files from source to build directory
  • Build:Production - compiles, minifies and uglifies source files with production environment (starts all Build.*:Production subtasks)

    • Build.Assets:Production - copies all assets folders and their contents from source to build directory
    • Build.Configs:Production - copies web.config (for Asp.Net 5 projects) and configs folder from source to build directory
    • Build.Html:Production - copies all *.html files from source to build directory
    • Build.Scripts:Production - compiles TypeScript from source to build directory
      • Build.Scripts.Typescript:Production - compiles TypeScript from source to build directory
      • Build.Scripts.Tslint:Production - check for tslint warnings
    • Build.Styles:Production - compiles and minifies *.scss files from source to build directory
  • Watch - watch source files, start tasks (all Watch.* subtasks) and call live reload action.

    • Watch.Assets - start task Build.Assets
    • Watch.Configs - start task Build.Configs
    • Watch.Html - start task Build.Html
    • Watch.Scripts - start task Build.Script
    • Watch.Styles - start task Build.Styles

Watch.* subtasks available only at runtime.

  • Bundle - bundles the app with jspm bundle with development environment

  • Jspm.CdnPaths:Production - Generate CDN paths (https://cdnjs.com) into src/configs/jspm.config.production.js using npm registry

  • Clean - cleans build directory (wwwroot by default) without wwwroot/libs folder and wwwroot/**/.gitkeep files

    • Clean.All - cleans build directory (wwwroot by default) without wwwroot/**/.gitkeep files
    • Clean.Bundle - remove build file (build.js by default) from build directory (wwwroot by default)
    • Clean.Libs - cleans libs directory (wwwroot/libs by default)

Trying it yourself

  1. git clone https://github.com/QuatroCode/simplr-gulp.git
  2. cd simplr-gulp/example
  3. npm install
  4. jspm install
  5. gulp
  6. Go to http://localhost:4000

Default gulpconfig.json (can be customized)

    "Directories": {
        "Source": "src",
        "Build": "wwwroot",
        "App": "app"
    "TypeScriptConfig": {
        "Development": "tsconfig.json",
        "Production": "tsconfig.production.json"
    "ServerConfig": {
        "Ip": "",
        "Port": 4000,
        "LiveReloadPort": 4400
    "BundleConfig": {
        "AppFile": "app.js",
        "BuildFile": "build.js",
        "Include": [],
        "Exclude": [
    "WebConfig": null,
    "CfgVersion": 2.02

More info about configuration



You need global npm packages (gulp, typings, jspm, rollup):

  1. npm install gulp-cli -g
  2. npm install typings -g
  3. npm install jspm -g
  4. npm install rollup -g

If you want to update simplr-gulp package yourself

  1. git clone https://github.com/QuatroCode/simplr-gulp.git
  2. cd simplr-gulp
  3. npm install
  4. typings install
  5. builder.bat -watch:sample
  6. Make changes

builder.bat available commands

builder.bat -build	            # build code to /dist
builder.bat -build:sample	    # build code to /example
builder.bat -watch	            # build and start watcher to /dist
builder.bat -watch:sample	    # build and start watcher to /example


