- 1
Total ranked score is not being calculated properly
#65 opened by A6sT - 1
Mapset Audio Preview does not Update
#64 opened by Cuckson - 1
Ranking Action on hold -> blacklist
#59 opened by AiAe - 1
- 4
RS Action comments active not working correctly
#55 opened by AiAe - 1
Mapsets search ranked_status and game modes
#56 opened by AiAe - 0
- 0
RS Config is missing required actions
#49 opened by AiAe - 1
- 1
count_hit_object_long in map objects from API response has extra underscore
#28 opened by Planeptunia - 1
Unranked recent users score are not retrieved
#25 opened by A6sT - 0
- 0
Mark mapset as Explicit Content
#21 opened by AiAe - 2
Weekly most played must be cached in background
#12 opened by AiAe - 1
Username change is missing api check for moderation
#22 opened by AiAe - 2
Register has no profanity filter for username
#6 opened by AiAe - 1
- 7
Scores rate and mods not working properly
#14 opened by AiAe - 1
- 1
Users are still getting returned if banned
#2 opened by AiAe - 4
- 3
mapsets/offsets should return empty array and not null, so it follows other similar routes
#4 opened by AiAe - 1
- 4
server/stats error retrieving
#9 opened by AiAe - 0
- 1
user/:id, social_media is not parsed to json
#3 opened by AiAe - 1
Mapset deletion and ranking queue
#7 opened by AiAe