DISCLAIMER: This is not my code, those are not my binaries, this is not my repo. The original repository was remove by github after AMD asked for deletion. This will sooner or later also happen to this rpository, so please clone it and re-upload as soon as you see this one being deleted. The original auhor has been removed from the git history. Since I do not have the same contacts as OP - do not expect any updates to this repository. If the original source of the binaries wants to provide me with new versions, I will more than happily upload them.


AMD vBIOS flash utility for Linux.

This tool can be used to flash or dump the AMD graphics card vBIOS. Before AMD acquired the company ATI this tool was also known as atiflash.


Before flashing a new vBIOS you should dump your vBIOS first. For this you need the adapter number of your card. The following command will display information of all AMD adapters in the system.

sudo ./amdvbflash -i

If you have only one card installed the adapter number will probably be 0. Next we will do a backup of our vBIOS. Where 0 is the adapter number and <file> the name of your backup.

sudo ./amdvbflash -s 0 <file>

Now we can flash the new vBIOS to our card. The following commands will write the vBIOS image in file <file> to flash ROM in adapter 0. Notice that the -f option is not supported in external versions.

sudo ./amdvbflash -f -p 0 <file>

You must reboot your system now.


This will show you all possible commands and options that are available.

sudo ./amdvbflash -h


Our goal is to reverse engineer the flash utility. For this reason any help is welcome.