PHP Bindings for Chromium Compact Language Detector (CLD)
This small extension provides bindings to use the Chromium Compact Language Detector ( in PHP.
- Checkout Chromium Language Detector from with
hg clone
- Run
- Checkout this project
- Run
phpize && ./configure --with-libcld-dir=... && make && sudo make install
- Add
to yourphp.ini
Procedural API
var_export(CLD\detect("Drüben hinterm Dorfe wohnt ein Leiermann. Und mit starren Fingern spielt er was er kann"));
var_export(CLD\detect("日[の]本([の]国", false, true, null, CLD\Language::JAPANESE, CLD\Encoding::JAPANESE_EUC_JP));
Object-oriented API
$detector = new CLD\Detector();
var_export($detector->detect('Drüben hinterm Dorfe wohnt ein Leiermann. Und mit starren Fingern spielt er was er kann'));
$detector->detect("日[の]本([の]国", false);
will return
array (
0 =>
array (
'name' => 'GERMAN',
'code' => 'de',
'reliable' => true,
'bytes' => 90,
array (
0 =>
array (
'name' => 'JAPANESE',
'code' => 'ja',
'reliable' => true,
'bytes' => 22,
1 =>
array (
'name' => 'CHINESE',
'code' => 'zh',
'reliable' => true,
'bytes' => 22,