- 5
Assertion in stl_vector.h:1123 on Fedora 28
#37 opened by KavalchukD - 1
- 5
Lack of Lambert W function in Qucsator
#50 opened by domi8space - 2
S-parameter max size or memory size limitation
#48 opened by buenoshun - 1
Power probe AC results are wrong
#47 opened by in3otd - 0
Has nigbt model ever worked in qucs?
#46 opened by dwarning - 1
Incorrect Correlated Voltage Noise Source Behavior
#45 opened by mbe9a - 1
Amplitude and Phase issue with S-Parameter file
#44 opened by kpriest20 - 4
python examples?
#43 opened by joamatab - 13
S-parameter file causes simulation error
#42 opened by zodoczi - 4
Compile error... missing scan_citi.cpp
#41 opened by Rmano - 1
Imaginary part of impedance appears negative when using Multiple coupled inductors
#40 opened by sm3909 - 1
- 0
Do the authors have a PDF file of the article "Arguments and an accurate model for the power-current formulation of microstrip characteristic impedance"? I've been looking for it for a long time but can't find it
#38 opened by axibababababa - 3
random() is crashing the simulator
#36 opened by Wallacegromit - 0
Missing -fPIC
#35 opened by yurivict - 4
Frequency dispersion of impedance and dielectric constant is not used to compute the losses of microstripline
#34 opened by mhuser - 4
- 9
Simulator crashes with glibc 2.33
#29 opened by Lacsapix - 2
Voltage probe handles noise voltages incorrectly
#24 opened by tejeez - 6
simulation crushes
#28 opened by Abbode - 2
harmonic balance error
#5 opened by michal777 - 3
SPfile file interpolation problem
#26 opened by thliebig - 4
- 0
Multiple Coupled Microstrip Line Component
#21 opened by dom11990 - 8
BC547 collector overcurrent
#20 opened by dealmeal - 9
Switch-mode BJT transient simulation failed
#19 opened by ra3xdh - 3
Using a substrate with er=1 produces invalid results (NaN) in S-Parameter simulation
#18 opened by StefanD986 - 7
Can you "make -j" qucs-core ?
#17 opened by in3otd - 0
N Mutual Inductors does not accept variables
#16 opened by in3otd - 2
- 1
- 0
dos2unix not checked by configure
#13 opened by guitorri - 2
Fix fmod recursion
#12 opened by guitorri - 1
Fix warnings about integer comparison
#11 opened by guitorri - 2
qucs can not be built with make -j8
#10 opened by slazav - 18
DC simulation crashes with some circuit
#9 opened by KevinNadaud - 1
qucsator stdin input is broken
#8 opened by in3otd - 19
- 4
Convergence problem with no GND
#6 opened by kagiannis - 0
Multiple subcircuits with EDDs don't work
#4 opened by in3otd - 0
- 0
Irregularities in qucsator netlist
#2 opened by felix-salfelder