Quellenreiter:in | Fake News Quiz App

A mobile quiz app for Android and iOS built using Flutter and Back4App.


Base Project

This application belongs to the QuellenReiter:in project created and implemented by Simon Sasse and Jannik Werner. The project consists of a "Fake News" database which is openly accesible through this frontend. In addition, a "Fake News" Quiz App derives its quests from the database.

Aim 🏹

Our aim is to tackle the issue of misinformation (in Germany) with a playful approach and open-data.

Functionality 🦾

Implementation 🖥️

The application is implemented using Flutter and Dart. Flutter is an open-source and cross-plattform app framework created by Google. Furthermore, GraphQL is used to query and mutate the database which is a Parse Server hosted on Back4App. All these projects are open-source themselves.


!! This code is only usable with a working Flutter installation !!
Note: If you have never used Flutter, consider its documentation

  1. Follow install instructions for Flutter.
  2. git clone https://github.com/QuellenReiter/quellenreiter_app.git
  3. Open the project in your text editor or IDE and run flutter doctor to check if everything works fine.
  4. To run the application use flutter run -d [ios, android].


Programming: Simon Sasse
Concept: Jannik Werner & Simon Sasse


This project is funded by: