
Implementation of hadoop FileSystem on Cassandra to store Structured Streaming checkpoints

Primary LanguageScala

cassandra Checkointing File System

Example of an implementation of hadoop FileSystem on Cassandra. Allow faster checkpointing for structured streaming (<100ms)

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Create C* table:

create table $keyspace.$table (path text, name text, is_dir boolean, length bigint, value blob, primary key ((path), name));

Spark configuration:

    .config("spark.hadoop.fs.ckfs.impl", "exactlyonce.CassandraSimpleFileSystem")
    .config("spark.hadoop.cassandra.host", "") 
    .config("spark.hadoop.cassandra.checkpointfs.keyspace", "checkpointfs")
    .config("spark.hadoop.cassandra.checkpointfs.table", "file")
val query = ds.writeStream
    .option("checkpointLocation", "ckfs://")