
Misc utilities for working with DataStax Enterprise (DSE)

Primary LanguageShell


This repository contains a list of Misc. utilities, sample codes, and blog posts that I wrote in order to ease the learning and working with DataStax Enterprise (DSE).

Disclaimer: Most, if not all, of the utilities/sample codes/blog posts are based on DSE 5.1.x version (the latest major DSE release as of writing). For older DSE versions such as 5.0.x or 4.8.x, please use at your own discretion and feel free to test out by yourself.

1. Utilities

1.1. Wrapper Utility to Encrypt DSE Configuration

1.2. Wrapper Utility to Encrypt OpsCenter Configuration

1.3. Cassandra Tombstone Counter

1.4. Ansible Playbook for DSE Cluster Installation/Configuration

1.5. Terraform and Ansible Automation to Luanch and Configure DSE Cluster on AWS

2. Sample Codes

2.1. Gatling Stress Testing Scenario for DSE

2.2. Writting UDT into Cassandra

3. Blog Posts

3.1. Cassandra Tombstone In Depth