
Check the attendance of the students in a course using an aggregation of mutliples services like Bluetooth detection, a RFID card reader, face recignition...

Primary LanguageJavaScript




cd node-red
npm start

Might take 2 tries if docker take too long to start the DataBase services it will cause an issue for the others.

Error with Python

/usr/bin/env: «python»: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type

Replace #!/usr/bin/env python with #!/usr/bin/env python3 in the python files.

Documentation of API

Some of the API have a swagger file you can import into https://editor.swagger.io/ but they might not be up to date.


Services Ports
MQTT Broker 1883
QRCode 2500
Client 3000
MariaDB 3306
HyperPlanning 4000
Bluetooth 4200
Wifi 4300
RFID 4400
DataBase API 5500
Node-Red 8000
PhpMyAdmin 8080
Mail 7700
Detection Algorithm 9000